
Thursday, December 22, 2016

Who's being the Fact Checking that Social Media companies will use?

Poynter. He's the guy heading up the International Fact Checking Organisation that is the umbrella for the fact checking groups big social media companies will use. He's a long time, big name reporter I believe.

Who's one of the major players behind Poynter and the umbrella organization? Someone good we hope? How about Soros? He's the nice man who has threatened countries, sabotaged economies and done other immensely distasteful things. He'd be good, wouldn't he? Well he's the first name on a small list of names cited by the article I saw today.

Are we to be concerned about the censorship of the Internet? Certainly. With people like this in control, we should be concerned. If you have opportunity to speak in context about this, do so! If you have opportunity to support the TOR project or other free speech or secure communication platforms, do so. We are facing state propaganda on a larger scale than the Nazi regime, and staring down the barrel of more intrusive monitoring than ever happened then.

You've seen the documentaries on Nazi Germany. You know dissenters were harshly dealt with. If you don't want the same thing coming our way, maybe it's time to think about at least speaking up.

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