
Saturday, April 8, 2017

Bolivia on Syria @ UN. Thesis & Antithesis?

Bolivia's words are sensible and true ; BUT they elevate the UN as a world body which is in authority over sovereign nations.

Could it be that the THESIS of the USAs unilateral retaliation and the overwhelming support given by many political leaders world wide and the ANTITHESIS demonstrated by Bolivia, Russia and other nations (who debate the authenticity is the USAs intelligence) could result in
A SYNTHESIS that elevates the UN further as the arbiter of political disputes and promotes the UN's role ad nor may arbiter, but world policeman, in whom military power is vested?
It is a dangerous thought. Given the UN is an independent, unelected body the Globalists have foisted on our world as a wolf in sheep's clothing, any ceding of political sovereignty is dangerous ; whilst ceding of military power, as the also unelected EU is pushing for, could be an outright disaster.

For how are we to take back our sovereignty once we have given it up, along with any strength we have militarily? There is surely a point at which the Globalists and they're coming Anti-Christ will simply say "game over"; and but for the grace of God, "game over" it would be.

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