
Sunday, July 15, 2018


If nations want peace, why the walls?

If the world is really concerned about Muslim refugees, why are Muslim countries not opening their doors, but Europe is taking so many it's changing the cultural, political and religious landscape?

More blatantly, why would Turkey build a wall to isolate and disown Syrians?

Why would Egypt disown the Palestinians in Gaza when they could give aid to fellow Muslims across their border, or just open the border to allow them in?

Not everything is as it seems. I'm convinced we face a Hegelian Dialectic in many if these situations, which is designed to usher in a new era of global regions with old borders much changed by the Illuminati elite.

Syria is geo-strategic, and it's a misfortune for the Syrian people that their land is where it is. Powerful people are playing a game to gain control; not just for resources, as we've seen in many countries, but as a land bridge.

We're currently seeing a herculean change in the world as regards world trade; both in terms of transition from seas to land across the World Island, with re-establishment of ancient trade routes, and in terms of electronic settlements moving away from the US Dollar and the SWIFT settlement system to the Chinese currency via the new Sino-Soviet system which BRICS and other countries are rushing into.

The New Silk Road and the regional feeds into the road, is a very significant project. It's significant because it re-establishes ancient trade routes across the World Island, and enables many nations that have been somewhat isolated from world trade, which mostly happens via large scale international shipping, to participate in the New World of trade that is set to change the face of the earth.

It's also significant because much of the trade that flows through the New Silk Road will be settled not via the legacy SWIFT system of international settlements using the US petro-dollar, but by the new China International Payments System (CIPS). using either the Russian Ruble or Chinese Renminbi currency. CIPS has less fees than the inconveniences SWIFT system, and is set to polarise world trade away from the USA.

So the mighty USA has ruled the world monetarily and militarily for decades via:
1. Control of the seas
2. Mandating use is the US Dollar for international trade
3. Controlling international settlements via SWIFT

But all of this is changing:
1. The New Silk Road will offer trade routes across the World Island
2. The Russian Ruble and Chinese Renminbi offer currencies de-linked from the USA for international trade
3. The CIPS system provides a more equitable and open system than SWIFT for international settlements.

It's control slipping from those who have held it for so long, into new hands? Or are we setting a change in the geo-political landscape only, with the true power wielded behind the scenes? I'm quite convinced it's the latter.

"Turkey has constructed a 765-kilometer (475-mile) concrete wall along the country’s border with Syria, the Anadolu Agency reported on 09 June 2018, citing an anonymous Turkish official. The wall, which incorporates layers of physical, electronic and advanced technology, was constructed in six Turkish provinces — Sanliurfa, Gaziantep, Kilis, Hatay, Mardin, and Sirnak — in order to prevent illegal crossings and smuggling, and to foster security of the border with Syria, which has been engulfed in a civil war since 2011"

Some references:

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