
Saturday, August 11, 2018

FreeOS - worth a look?

I just watched a YouTube video about crypto currency, secure OS etc. The guy talking was interesting, and the "find out more" link landed here.

I do remember however talking to a tech guy about PCs, and he said both Intel and AMD based PCs mostly have huge capability built into their BIOS now. BIOS is the thing that makes a PC know it's a PC. The relationship between BIOS and your operating system is sort of like (my analogy) being a sentient human and having a job. So the BIOS makes the PC aware it has a hard disc with an OS, a DVD drive etc. This layer has grown from using the keyboard only to now using the mouse as well. Importantly, it's also got spyware built into it. That's why any operating system like FREEOS is only as secure as the hardware and BIOS you have it on. My recommendation is if you're going to run FREEOS, try to run it on an older BIOS (and probably hardware) to avoid the risk of being spied on. You'd needed to research how old to eliminate the spyware capability.

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