
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

WAR IS COMING: China 250% GDP/DEBT RATIO - USA in financial crisis

People keep telling me that China is ultra rich, and owns a stack of Australia and USA but is this really so, and who holds the profits vs debt?

There is some truth to the statement that China owns a lot of assets and real estate in other countries. The USA in particular has been selling resource rich areas to China for some time. So has Australia of course.

Someone told me just yesterday there's a plan for the Chinese to build a railway Network on the West Coast of the USA, mainly California, and that acquisition of land and burning of other land to devalue it is part of the plot. I have yet to confirm this, but will follow through.

The thing is that the Chinese capitulated to the the globalist order (NWO) and set up a central bank (yep, privately owned or usual, linked to Rothschilds) in order to get global companies in, foreign investment and technology, and so they could better access world markets. They got what they wanted, so did the NWO.

The Chinese government now sits on a 250% to 300% GDP/ debt ratio (depending on exact sources for figures); either way it's absolutely disastrous. Their foreign markets are shakey due to economies and their biggest trading partner, the USA, is whacking them with tariffs. Why? Because the Chinese Government co-owns masses of Chinese companies (most of any significance) and had pumped borrowed money into them left right and centre to make them profitable, but then also provides financial support to these companies to make them globally competitive.

There are some very wealthy individuals who have profited from this of course! Just as they have in the USA and Australia.

The USA and other countries cannot of course compete with most Chinese goods because of the advantage their government gives them. What does the USA do? Place tariffs to even the playing field.

So the Chinese economy is dangerously close to free fall. The USA on the other hand, has been slowly pulling back jobs that globalist companies sold into China. Trump has worked very hard at this, and from my understanding, there's been success.

However, the USA also faces a fiat currency system debt it can never pay. The Fed left interest rates near zero for Obama's years, but has hiked them the times in Trump's presidency already. Why does this matter? When a county owes 1 trillion dollars, it might have a hope of servicing a 5% interest rate, but when it owes more than it can pay back from GDP,  anything much more than zero is going to drive it into the ground, and fast.

I've written before about the USA fighting on three fronts:
1. Financial
2. External wars
3. Internal (civil) war.

The Democrats are calling for civil war, and there's a huge convoy of illegal immigrants heading through Mexico of flat bed trucks to the USA as you read this.
Why? To tip the election and create civil war if necessary. Think Europe. Think Russia in WW1, battling on the Western Front, fighting Bolsheviks (Rothschild sponsored) internally and international banks determined to wreck the monarchy and install their own order, which they were successful at.

Traditionally, there's only a couple of ways to simulate a country's economy to solve problem like this:
1. Borrow money to simulate the economy, BUT IT MUST affect the GDP/DEBT situation otherwise it looks the country faster.
2. Go to war

Much of the world is in economic crisis, and whilst Trump has done good, maybe even amazing things, he has many enemies, and it's unlikely he'll be able to keep it going into a full recovery and solution to the enormous debt the USA has. Further to that, the are a stack of neo-con war mongers in the USA. The military-industrial complex is alive and well. What's more, politicians like the Clintons, McCain (now deceased).

What kind of animals are we dealing with here ? Read on McCain here:

Is China any different? No. They are increasingly aggressive. They have been waiting for close to technology parity to go to war. They think they are there now, and are in a massive army, airforce and naval building program. It's so big, it's scary.
WATCH THIS just released video: Australia they are preparing to come get you!

And here's my friend Steven BenNoon from Israeli News Live, back in the USA and reporting from his car on this urgent matter:

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