
Sunday, April 11, 2021

China / Antarctica / Nephalim

Are up to date on Antarctica? If you're not, please just look up the Antarctic Treaty, where a bunch of nations under the auspices of the United Nations (that entirely trustworthy, Luciferian body) locked up Antarctica, banning travel to the interior and putting military bases around it. You works really want to ask "WHY?!".

Then look up this video on Admiral Byrd, who has almost been erased from history, but thankfully the news footage keeps reappearing. First and second expedition news reels (just as history):,

His last Antarctic expedition funded by the US Navy and with massive resources was attacked by advanced aircraft and they retreated. This Russian video with English subtitles goes into the NAZI Germany, High Jump and the Antarctic. I have scanned it and will watch it fully later, but as good background it seems to do the job: (Russian with subtitles)

Now the current news re China and the Antarctic:

Isn't that interesting. If the Grand Solar Minimum is starting, what do the powers that be really expect to happen with access to Antarctica?

Furthermore, I believe The Abyss, as mentioned in Revelation, may be there, and it gets opened. When? Are we close to that time?

No matter who you are, the agenda of the elite is progressing. Those of the Nephalim / Meronvingian bloodline are attempting to wipe out much of humanity. Why? They are related to the Fallen Angels, of whom Lucifer is the leader. He incited the rebellion that caused interbreeding between Fallen Angels and human women to produce hybrids - Nephalim. These are the ancient men of greatness. These are the Kings of Atlantis. These are the characters whom Marvel, Disney and others are promoting now as young people the globe over are being prepared for a reemergence. Where are they? Some if these characters are locked in The Abyss. The Bible says they will be loosed at the end time. I believe The Abyss may be in Antarctica; but that's a story for another time. I have good reasons.

From the Nephalim came the giants in post-flood history after Atlantis was destroyed. You would think if Noah was building the Ark for a couple of hundred years, saying YHWH's judgement was coming, that some of these advanced brings would figure out how to survive wouldn't you? If you doubt the reality, read Plato. Then read the Old Testament, and check the incidence of "giants' back to the root language. It's Nephalim!

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