
Friday, April 2, 2021

Do you trust the government: good overcoming evil and mass awakening?

Dear all,

I know "bank tellers know real notes but handling them, not the fakes"; but there's a point to this. There's major evil in the wind.

Our world is controlled by an axis of three sovereign states:

1. Vatican City - world religion
2. Old City of London - known historically as "The Money Power" 
3. District Of Columbia - Military Power

Yes, they are all foreign entities from the countries that contain/border them. The Queen of the United Kingdom has to ask permission to enter the CITY OF LONDON.

Working backwards through our list:

3) We have seen an enormous military campaign by the USA using the CIA and then military force as General Wesley Clarke said they would to overturn seven counties I the Middle East; starting with Iraq, including Syria and ending with Iran. I believe the real reason behind this is because Israel and China want the Overland routes for the New Silk Road and oil and gas pipelines. Now, according to sources of someone I trust deeply, the Ukraine is moving armaments and troops to the border of territories Russia claimed from them at the behest of Pres Biden. He's cut a deal, greasing palms in Ukraine to threaten Russia because Israel and China want to break Russia's route through Ukraine for the NORDSTREAM2 gas pipeline. There's major geo-politics and aggression going on here.

The USA has also re-assessed its vulnerability to China in the past few weeks. It has previously identified China as its main threat militarily, and expected war but 2024. It has now stated war with China may come as soon as 2023, and will possibly involve Russia too, with the probability Iran will also tip in with China and Russia. If that does happen, it will escalate into a world war.

A world war has been planned by the elite as part of its plans to reduce the world's population. The 

2) The 'Banksters' have lent endless trillions world wide the past few years. Take a look at the US DEBT CLOCK (Google it) and check the handouts in Australia the past few years. Here's a link to a short video except In uploading as I write (ready soon): These bankers manufacture 'currency' from thin air and lend it to governments through their Central Banks. They are heading for the Great Reset, where (I quote Davos / World Economic Forum) "You will own nothing and you will be happy". See Look it up, it's everywhere. Their endgame is to own everything and we own nothing. 

1) This is what prompted this article. "Good overcoming evil and mass awakening". Can you believe the 'good guys' will triumph over all evil, installing a new global regime that's entirely pure and trustworthy? My Bible indicates there will be no real peace until Jesus himself cones back to establish it. Have you noticed the same theme emerging in different religions and cultures? Do you know just how many politicians and experts are preparing the world to receive aliens, most by 2026? It's real. The aliens are of course fallen angels mind you. We're being convinced that good will finally triumph over evil. 

There's a construct called the Hegelian Dialectic where thesis faces off against antithesis, with the resultant synthesis being what was intended by the hidden hand that created the conflict in the first place. In other words, the shaking of opposing forces facilitates moving society where the elite want it to be.

Our world is being shaken in ways we haven't seen in many decades. The wars, economic instability and the immensely Luciferian agenda being pursued by the Roman Pontiff (Pope) and the Sanhedrin. It's designed to create so much conflict and fear that when the AntiChrist steps onto the scene, he will be hailed as a hero and be offered his earthly throne by the nations.

We know Yeshua ha Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah) will come in power and glory to claim the earth before Satan, who will come as Lucifer, bearer of light, is able to destroy humanity. See my next article regarding the Tribulation for more on this.

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