
Monday, May 31, 2021

Signal or Session Messenger, and why?

How does Signal Messenger compare to Session Messenger?

That is a question asked by a friend who tracked down an answer; but there's more to it than a user perspective!

Here's the answer he found on Reddit, which is valid as far as it goes. Note it is about seven months old as I write this. My answer follows.

Signal vs Session Private Messenger?
Which is better? I was thinking of switching from signal to Session since it doesn't require a phone number (unlike Signal). What are your thoughts on this?

Should I make the switch or continue with Signal?

[UPDATE: Went with Signal. Calling quality has improved A LOT.]

Session is buggy as hell, I would stick with Signal for now, they are bringing out usernames soon so you won’t need a phone number to use it

Are messages delayed or something? And any idea when Signal will switch to usernames?

turns out notifications are pretty damn hard when you remove a central server so we've had to engineer quite a few new things for Session. Message reliability and notifications are definitely getting better and our developers are still focused on improving the user experience. There's some big things coming, which im not able to touch on yet, but stay tuned!

Messages are delayed and the notifications are terrible, cool concept just too many problems with it currently

Signal don’t really give a schedule for when things are going to be released they just release them, from what I’ve been reading they have had to pretty much re-write a big part of Signal to incorporate the usernames feature and it’s currently in testing stages

MY REPLY (adapted for Gab)

This thread essentially compares user experience and bugs, but doesn't go into distributed nodes and onion skinning, which is the real benefit of Session. That post was seven months ago; I believe Session have been working very hard to get things stable. If they succeed, and I believe they are, it will be better than Signal. Why?

Signal is encrypted but CENTRALISED, whereas Session is DISTRIBUTED. In the end any encrypted device can be accessed - it is just a matter of brute force over time. Authorities can walk into Signal HQ and confiscate the servers and all our private messages; then it's just s matter of time until they have it all unlocked. With Session, If they can't get their hands on physical servers, they can't crack the messages. 

I have a suspicion Christians and other dissenters of the NWO / Beast Kingdom of Revelation may need secure messaging, and I'm concerned it maybe sooner rather than later. See what our Kabbalist PM  (converted to Judaism) and Dutton are planning:

I believe time is shorter than may anticipate. It's no good complaining but leaving yourself without the ability to communicate with friends and loved ones as you need. The New Testament - our Christian Bible as we know it - will be banned in Australia; Noahide Law will see to that and these laws are being adopted globally. Noahide Law asserts worship of anyone but 'God' as blasphemy, punishable by death (by guillotine, which is being made ready but that's another big discussion).

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