
Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Zero interest rates & currency collapse

Many of you know I've written about how hyperinflation comes after near zero interest rates.

What you have to bear in mind is that governments don't own Central Banks; private bankers do. The Rothschild, Kuhn & Loeb families in Europe are central to this group. Governments borrow money from their Central Banking System. They're aim is of course to forment conditions that will help them acquire more wealth.

The fiat currency collapse spiral is basically per the following list (my version)...

1. Government borrows money from Central Bank to finance military, infrastructure etc.
2. Government has to pay interest and ends up borrowing more money to pay it
3. Government can't pay interest, so Central Bank lowers interest rate
4. Low interest rate causes stimulus, but not enough
5. Government gives stimulus payments to businesses
6. Government gives handouts to populace is desperation to stimulate spending. Inflation sets in more deeply
7. Interest rate goes near zero
8. Inflation takes off
9. Stocks, bonds, crypto-currencies etc start to collapse. Hyperinflation hits.
10. The fiat currency collapses, just like it did in Germany multiple times.

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