
Thursday, June 17, 2021

Hyperinflation coming to USA

Has anyone watched The Big Short? It's the story of the GFC and the guy who warned about what the banks were doing that caused it. He was ignored, but was entirely accurate.

His name is Michael Burry. He's a brilliant financial expert and statistician.

Now according to Business Insider Australia, Michael is warning the USA is headed for hyperinflation, just like Germany did in the thirties. I've been warning about the same thing, telling people not to use their home security to invest as it could go down like dominoes. 

Australia is tightly linked to the US Dollar (USD) financially. We live in a global system. Furthermore, the private individuals who own the Federal Reserve also own the Reserve Bank in Australia. In fact, the Central Banking System is an octopus that encircles the world, with only a handful of countries not involved.


Image from The Big Short, available on Netflix and other platforms. It cycles into available videos on Netflix, so keep an eye out for it.

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