
Tuesday, June 8, 2021


I have been sitting having breakfast and pondering. That's when concepts sometimes solidify in my mind, and occasionally I get a glimpse of possible futures. So here's a glimpse into my mind this morning,a neutral network where connections sometimes just fire up and I follow the consequences.


It seems to me there are elements across almost every state in the USA who desperately want Trump to return, and it's not a flash in the pan. It's unprecedented. Societies are unfortunately manipulated by feelings more than facts. Modern media has made sure if that, perhaps starting with Goebbels the NAZI. Whether or not it's entirely factual (what I personally believe is irrelevant here), there's a feeling of injustice that Trump lost power, and a very emotionally charged electorate wishing for his return.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I can see from Down Under, Biden is becoming unpopular with many who elected him. I'm not going try to detail what's happening here; there are plenty of videos and articles about how the Democrats are destroying the USA.

The deeper questions are perhaps:

"Is this deliberate? Is this preparation?"


There are now only four international ports open in the USA. I suspect that has been justified under bio-security. Although the US continues to import many goods from across the world, including China, it is however exporting grain through those ports, to the detriment of the people of the USA. Senior management of the grain exporters must know whilst they are making money from shipping grain to China (the main buyer), they are placing brain supplies in a perilous position within the US.  

What if the port closures and deliberate food insecurity are part of a plan? What if this is part of Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030. 

What if there USA, along with many other nations, faces mass starvation due to lack of food? 

What if the people's of the USA became aware Biden's Administration was complicit in allowing starvation? The resulting chaos that comes when desperate people seek food will further degenerate America's civility.


In the kit bag of the elite, war is a great one for destroying or reshaping societies! The threat of war looms more tangible to many in the USA than in recent decades. There's a real fear the USA may need to fight a war against China. Fears of conflict with Russia have also been stirred up. There's nothing like war to get the Average Joe to surrender his rights to the state. There's nothing like the imminent that is war to start that surrender and bring social change! 


Let us not forget the agenda to reshape the world economy. There are plans well advanced for a world crypto-currency. A crash will make people desperate for intervention. This article is a timely reminder of what the USA and the world is facing: 


If the people of the US are angry and insecure enough, and subtly prepared to do so, they will be very ready to en-masse eject Biden from the leader's seat and pop Trump back in the chair. What a relief!


I don't know how long Biden will manage to stay in power, but whether he's tossed because if a legal or constitutional challenge, or defeated at the next election, it's almost like his extreme government may be preparing the country... for what? What's on the other side of flip/flop?


Trump will be hailed as a hero if he brings law and order after chaos, looting and mass economic loss. He will 'have a mandate' from the people who elected him to bring radical change to make the USA civilly functional and safe again. 

It is funny how that phrase had become endemic in recent years: to 'have a mandate from the people'. It's worked its way very effectively into the collective consciousness here in Australia. Whether the phrase is used in your country or not, I can assure you the concept is becoming more popular. It's part of preparation for radical change; for Trump to 'stand up and be the President of the Greatest Country on Earth!'.

The massive swing in the populace is preparation for Fascism; for Communism; for..... the New World Order, complete with Noahide Laws.


I say "Draconian Trump", but the reality is that it doesn't really matter who is next in the two party flip/flop game. He will follow the same agenda. Let's finish this article with Draconian Trump though; it gives a personality and I like saying it :-)

If Trump regains power, he will doubtless reform what he can regarding law and order. There's a possibility though: in states and counties that are Blue, the police are controlled contrary to his wishes at a lower level. If things dictate a need, he will 'take up his mantle' sales 'follows these people's mandate': military law may be reality to restore order.

Military Law will however only enforce what is law, even under emergency powers. We know the Jews are planning Noahide Law and Trump is right behind it. What if Trump uses the chaos that's being generated now as a justification for changing the laws the police function under at a national level, usurping lower localities? 


If Trump regains power, be will have opportunity to push through new laws. The claim with Noahide Law is that it is in fact 'ordained of old' and 'the only true basis on which a society can function'. These laws address in fact life-threatening for Christians add belief that Jesus/Yeshua is the Son of God is viewed as blasphemy and punishable by beheading using a guillotine, many of which are now in place in the Continental US.

It's not really about Trump. It probably doesn't matter entirely to the elite if it's someone else. They have candidates must waiting for 'just in case..." scenarios. The real issue is the agenda.


The groundwork had already been laid in the United Nations and in the US. All that is required is there throwing of a switch. When will be there right moment?


Let us not neglect the opportunity to have short at the expense of our politicians, for that is what they are for; our entertainment. I hope you enjoyed these photos, popular a few years ago.

The agenda progresses anyway.

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