
Monday, October 29, 2018

Black Pidgeon Speaks: Trump Entering The Assassination Zone

Firstly let me say "I like this guy". He is genuinely a voice of reason, and considers carefully how much to say given the wide audience.

Having said that, let me comment before you watch this expose of Central Banking and the assassinations of presidents who have tried to dismantle it. He's largely my comment to him on the video...

This good summary, and "will educate a lot of people. I imagine you stopped short of some things for the sake of credibility, and standing as a 'voice of reason' to the populace; a fair stance. I believe Trump is part of a Hegelian Dialectic. Look carefully at his background; his links to Freemasonry and the occult symbology in his life. Only time will tell, but I get the SYNTHESIS of this Hegelian Dialectic will be the collapse of the United States as et know it, with it being subsumed into the North American Union; subject to the evils of the United Nations; much more under the influence of the Roman Pontiff; and shackled into the digital chains that are being placed on our world. Despite Portion also appearing to be a good guy, he also has some tell tales, has enforced the Orthodox Church add the only legitimate religious buddy, is persecuting Christians outside of it and has created a Christian Jihad mentally. Those behind the scenes are more than clever; I gear they are guided by an evil intelligence."

Enjoy this on from Black Pidgeon..

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