
Sunday, October 28, 2018

Is the the beginning of the end for the USA? 3 Fronts Squeezing

I've been watching the news about the migrant stream headed toward the USA through Mexico. They are only taking a small number of days to cross Mexico and are traveling on large flatbed trucks. Lots of them.

This begs the questions "Who's organised it, why, and why right now". I believe we're going to see a similar phenomena to that of the refugees propelled from the Middle East by war largely caused by western powers, with hundreds of thousands entering the southern US states. Texas in particular is really worried about this. People are worried for their safety.

Why can't the people who are moving these enormous crowds across Mexico (stopping to walk in cities for the cameras) help these poor people in their own countries? Because it doesn't fit their agenda. These people are being used.

The USA seems about to bust apart. Democrats are inciting violence against others, and it's really happening. People are scared. Some Democrat leaders are literally calling for civil war.

We've got three fronts pushing against the USA at the moment.

1. Overseas wars. The Middle East is getting worse, degenerating into a constant war crossing national boundaries and pulling Russia and China in to. The South China Sea is getting extremely touchy. Chinese aircraft carriers and troops are deployed. The Chinese government has announced it's preparing for war and had produced a very slick propaganda film to motivate the populace and further build the ranks of soldiers. They are seriously in three move with the WORLD'S BIGGEST ARMY.

2. The threat of financial collapse, which looks bigger than many know. It's coming. No mistake. Millionaires see the song on the wall and deserting the USA in droves. Many are going to south island NZ, others to Tasmania. Some are going to deep South America.

3. Internal strife degenerating into martial law and even civil law. The looming refugee crisis will precipitate this and pull perhaps 20,000 troops to defend the border. These troops will turn not be able to assist inside the USA, leaving it ripe for civil war.  

I believe these three fronts are being coordinated to end the USA as we know it and usher in the North American Union, which will answer more readily to the United Nations and..... 'his holiness' the Roman Pontiff.
Is this guaranteed? the time is right for the NWO to overthrow the government. This will eventually result in the USA being subsumed into the North American Union.

READ MY ARTICLE "WAR IS COMING: China 250% GDP/DEBT RATIO - USA in financial crisis " for more understanding of the dynamics...

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