
Friday, November 2, 2018

Adapt 2030: New Madrid Fault & Mississippi Draining

I've just told to the video mentioned after my comments (copied), because this is important subject matter.

What's in Antarctica? The WATCHERS are there. These are fallen angels. Pope Francis, Patriarch Krill and many other dignitaries beat a path down there quietly when called by them. John Kerry went down, seemingly uninvited, when Clinton was going to lose to ask for intervention. I hear they were displeased and ejected him forthwith.

These entities are evil. Hitler moved massive amounts of infrastructure, troops and supplies there to try and build his master race in quiet, starting before the end of WW2. There is ample evidence of this. I can provide some if you are interested.

The Bible would seem to indicate these evil entities will be revealed and very active in inciting mankind to bloodshed and pagan religion before the second coming of Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus the Christ). I can reference you to multiple authoritative authors on Antarctica, the Watchers, their plans for mankind as our planet goes into crisis: in environment, in war, in financial collapse and more. All this is increasingly on our doorstep. My blog is at Regards :-)

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