
Friday, November 2, 2018

Billingslea of USA - the hypocrisy is breathtaking!

Marshall Billingslea is here addressing....

Billingslea seriously sounds like he's describing the United States of America and the global NWO interests that run it when talking about these countries! The hypocrisy is astounding!

What would cause this carefully delivered rant? What have countries like this done to attack the United States of America? How about dumping the US Dollar!

US financial hegemony was assured by their hard won command of the seas, as they rule the planet's oceans; plus the sounding feat of instituting the PETRO-DOLLAR, by which Saudi oil would only be sold in USD, in return for the US having military forces stationed their to protect the country. In retrospect, I almost think that if the surrounding nations had realised what the US was up to with that ploy, they might have gone to war with the Saudis and US in order to protect their independence.

Look at what the CIA has done in Ukraine!



First watch this to hear the rant, that sounds like a fair and compelling analysis that could pit your understanding at odds with these nations:

Then watch this one to help understand dune background on what's really going on with 'De-Dollarisation'. Understands the US dollar is soon to implode. See below fur sums discussion on this, but first watch this video:



You will also find articles in this blog regarding the New Silk Road and the World Island, explaining how massive amounts of trade are starting to flow right through China, the far eastern countries, Khazakstan, Russia and into the heart of Europe. This amazing transport corridor is being constructed at a furious pace, is already functioning and is growing capability even as we sleep. Also be aware that the US actually makes money from nations using THEIR OCEANS! THAT'S WHY THERE'S SUCH A DID ABOUT THE SOUTH CHINA SEA! It's not only about access, is about domination and reaping income from users! So mush for 'International Waters'!

In closing, the days of the US Dollar are very limited, China & Russia seem positioned to run world financial exchange in place of the IMF & International Bank of Settlements with the SWIFT system.

The countdown is on. The bomb under the US economy is ticking. Their debt is to high cut them to ever pay off. They only have two choices:
1. Go through financial collapse, hopefully being brave to true the yoke of the Federal Reserve System off their back!
2. Go to war to secure their interests, protect the Petro-dollar by attacking nations that want to abandon it. HOWEVER Russia, China and the BRICS countries and associates have had enough of the US dictating to them, and are ready to protect their right to adopt a more independent and honest system (which takes less from participating countries, and delivers more).

See also my posts on: “Fascinating insight into 'Russian Ties' and the New Silk Road reality’:

Here also is my article on a video from my dear friend Steven Ben Noon, which I've titled “A bit of USA/RU/CN global political balance!”:

After that, go digging in my blog for other articles about the New Silk Road and US Dollar. Tip: an easy search in Google is the syntax to focus on a specific site (or HLQ) with search terms.

For example

“New Silk Road”.



Happy reading. Pray that ‘Yeshua Ha Mashiach’ (Jesus the Christ) will give you understanding and wisdom as you comprehend the realities of our world! Never let yourself fact in fear; despite appearances, the enemy of our souls is on a short leash. We are privileged to watch the two great mysterious of human history coming to their conclusion:

1. The Mystery of Godliness
2. The Mystery of Iniquity

Steve Barnes.

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