Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Trump's speech to the United Nations

This was a long and carefully crafted speech. On the surface, it seems to be totally against globalism and the unremarkable bodies spawned by the UN.  The were however a few moments where a deepedy influence was hinted at. For this reason, time slowing,  I'd like to listen to it again and examine it carefully.  The UN bought representatives (yes,  some have been bought by the globalists in order to advance their agenda) seemed not to enter in,  but laughed at Trump. This is to be expected.  I'll try to come back with a more detailed analysis,  meanwhile if anyone has insights,  please comment. Watch here.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Australian army deployed against citizens?

Chain of logic here:
1. The army could be called in to assist police if required 
2. Police didn't respond quickly enough to the Sydney ISIL attack, army was needed. Law changed to allow that.
3. Army obviously should have taken leadership
4. So all it takes is for the domestic police to defer to the army and we've got full on martial law


Saturday, September 1, 2018

Syria's Looming Final Battle: Idlib Escalation Reaching Climax

I've seen multiple news reports of tensions rapidly escalating regarding Syria. It may be that things are getting ready to blow there. The question is whether Russia is at this stage doing the bidding if the NWO as part of a Hegelian Dialectic, with a reshaped Middle East being the synthesis of the Dialectic. Putin Sanaa to have some good on him, but he has been caught in there company of certain in people, very and is associated with Freemasonry. Time will tell.
