Wednesday, October 31, 2018

WAR IS COMING: China 250% GDP/DEBT RATIO - USA in financial crisis

People keep telling me that China is ultra rich, and owns a stack of Australia and USA but is this really so, and who holds the profits vs debt?

There is some truth to the statement that China owns a lot of assets and real estate in other countries. The USA in particular has been selling resource rich areas to China for some time. So has Australia of course.

Someone told me just yesterday there's a plan for the Chinese to build a railway Network on the West Coast of the USA, mainly California, and that acquisition of land and burning of other land to devalue it is part of the plot. I have yet to confirm this, but will follow through.

The thing is that the Chinese capitulated to the the globalist order (NWO) and set up a central bank (yep, privately owned or usual, linked to Rothschilds) in order to get global companies in, foreign investment and technology, and so they could better access world markets. They got what they wanted, so did the NWO.

The Chinese government now sits on a 250% to 300% GDP/ debt ratio (depending on exact sources for figures); either way it's absolutely disastrous. Their foreign markets are shakey due to economies and their biggest trading partner, the USA, is whacking them with tariffs. Why? Because the Chinese Government co-owns masses of Chinese companies (most of any significance) and had pumped borrowed money into them left right and centre to make them profitable, but then also provides financial support to these companies to make them globally competitive.

There are some very wealthy individuals who have profited from this of course! Just as they have in the USA and Australia.

The USA and other countries cannot of course compete with most Chinese goods because of the advantage their government gives them. What does the USA do? Place tariffs to even the playing field.

So the Chinese economy is dangerously close to free fall. The USA on the other hand, has been slowly pulling back jobs that globalist companies sold into China. Trump has worked very hard at this, and from my understanding, there's been success.

However, the USA also faces a fiat currency system debt it can never pay. The Fed left interest rates near zero for Obama's years, but has hiked them the times in Trump's presidency already. Why does this matter? When a county owes 1 trillion dollars, it might have a hope of servicing a 5% interest rate, but when it owes more than it can pay back from GDP,  anything much more than zero is going to drive it into the ground, and fast.

I've written before about the USA fighting on three fronts:
1. Financial
2. External wars
3. Internal (civil) war.

The Democrats are calling for civil war, and there's a huge convoy of illegal immigrants heading through Mexico of flat bed trucks to the USA as you read this.
Why? To tip the election and create civil war if necessary. Think Europe. Think Russia in WW1, battling on the Western Front, fighting Bolsheviks (Rothschild sponsored) internally and international banks determined to wreck the monarchy and install their own order, which they were successful at.

Traditionally, there's only a couple of ways to simulate a country's economy to solve problem like this:
1. Borrow money to simulate the economy, BUT IT MUST affect the GDP/DEBT situation otherwise it looks the country faster.
2. Go to war

Much of the world is in economic crisis, and whilst Trump has done good, maybe even amazing things, he has many enemies, and it's unlikely he'll be able to keep it going into a full recovery and solution to the enormous debt the USA has. Further to that, the are a stack of neo-con war mongers in the USA. The military-industrial complex is alive and well. What's more, politicians like the Clintons, McCain (now deceased).

What kind of animals are we dealing with here ? Read on McCain here:

Is China any different? No. They are increasingly aggressive. They have been waiting for close to technology parity to go to war. They think they are there now, and are in a massive army, airforce and naval building program. It's so big, it's scary.
WATCH THIS just released video: Australia they are preparing to come get you!

And here's my friend Steven BenNoon from Israeli News Live, back in the USA and reporting from his car on this urgent matter:

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Hello Timor-Leste, we're Australia, now bend over like a good little country whilst we take advantage of you please.

I've told a bucket load of people how Australia has looted Timor-Leste of natural resources for years under the pretence of helping them. If I remember correctly at one stage we got them to redraw their national (sea) boundary to let us have the off-shore oil fields, leaving them with pitifilly little offshore area. I think that was before their independence, when the trouble with Indonesia happened.

This video goes into more detail than I knew. Be warned there's a bit of language (whilst she wears a smile), but the information is very important to understand. For one thing, Australia dealing unfairly with its neighbours, engaging in unsavoury practices and causing deaths.

The other thing this video highlights yet again is the collusion (may, should I say conspiracy, because that's what it is) that the profits from these nefarious activities don't go to Australians, they go to AUSTRALIA PTY LTD and the CORPORAT INS and SCUMBAGS like Downer that run the racket! I many politicians will do all they can to develop a good public image, but underneath are dead to morality. The are supposedly 'Christian' politicians like this by the dozen.

You think we're any different from the good old USA? THINK AGAIN  and for the sake of the victims, tell you friends. We need Aussies to know this.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Black Pidgeon Speaks: Trump Entering The Assassination Zone

Firstly let me say "I like this guy". He is genuinely a voice of reason, and considers carefully how much to say given the wide audience.

Having said that, let me comment before you watch this expose of Central Banking and the assassinations of presidents who have tried to dismantle it. He's largely my comment to him on the video...

This good summary, and "will educate a lot of people. I imagine you stopped short of some things for the sake of credibility, and standing as a 'voice of reason' to the populace; a fair stance. I believe Trump is part of a Hegelian Dialectic. Look carefully at his background; his links to Freemasonry and the occult symbology in his life. Only time will tell, but I get the SYNTHESIS of this Hegelian Dialectic will be the collapse of the United States as et know it, with it being subsumed into the North American Union; subject to the evils of the United Nations; much more under the influence of the Roman Pontiff; and shackled into the digital chains that are being placed on our world. Despite Portion also appearing to be a good guy, he also has some tell tales, has enforced the Orthodox Church add the only legitimate religious buddy, is persecuting Christians outside of it and has created a Christian Jihad mentally. Those behind the scenes are more than clever; I gear they are guided by an evil intelligence."

Enjoy this on from Black Pidgeon..

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Is the the beginning of the end for the USA? 3 Fronts Squeezing

I've been watching the news about the migrant stream headed toward the USA through Mexico. They are only taking a small number of days to cross Mexico and are traveling on large flatbed trucks. Lots of them.

This begs the questions "Who's organised it, why, and why right now". I believe we're going to see a similar phenomena to that of the refugees propelled from the Middle East by war largely caused by western powers, with hundreds of thousands entering the southern US states. Texas in particular is really worried about this. People are worried for their safety.

Why can't the people who are moving these enormous crowds across Mexico (stopping to walk in cities for the cameras) help these poor people in their own countries? Because it doesn't fit their agenda. These people are being used.

The USA seems about to bust apart. Democrats are inciting violence against others, and it's really happening. People are scared. Some Democrat leaders are literally calling for civil war.

We've got three fronts pushing against the USA at the moment.

1. Overseas wars. The Middle East is getting worse, degenerating into a constant war crossing national boundaries and pulling Russia and China in to. The South China Sea is getting extremely touchy. Chinese aircraft carriers and troops are deployed. The Chinese government has announced it's preparing for war and had produced a very slick propaganda film to motivate the populace and further build the ranks of soldiers. They are seriously in three move with the WORLD'S BIGGEST ARMY.

2. The threat of financial collapse, which looks bigger than many know. It's coming. No mistake. Millionaires see the song on the wall and deserting the USA in droves. Many are going to south island NZ, others to Tasmania. Some are going to deep South America.

3. Internal strife degenerating into martial law and even civil law. The looming refugee crisis will precipitate this and pull perhaps 20,000 troops to defend the border. These troops will turn not be able to assist inside the USA, leaving it ripe for civil war.  

I believe these three fronts are being coordinated to end the USA as we know it and usher in the North American Union, which will answer more readily to the United Nations and..... 'his holiness' the Roman Pontiff.
Is this guaranteed? the time is right for the NWO to overthrow the government. This will eventually result in the USA being subsumed into the North American Union.

READ MY ARTICLE "WAR IS COMING: China 250% GDP/DEBT RATIO - USA in financial crisis " for more understanding of the dynamics...

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Quantum Prayers in the Entangled Universe?

Is this guy preaching a similar message to that of the Word Of Faith community? Listen for the first10 minutes, especially around 7 & 8, and tell me what you think.

Is it possible that the Word Of Faith people could be swept into a science based One World Religion because of the similarities?

Monday, October 15, 2018

BIG SPLIT: Russian Orthodox Church breaks ties with Constantinople; what about Pope francis though?

I'm not really up with what Orthodox churches do, but I am interested in geo-politics. This just came past me and I thought it worth sharing. It's being called by some the biggest split since the Eastern Orthodox Church parted with the Roman Catholic Church many centuries ago. And that's happening in the same decade as major consolidation is occurring too!

Basically it seems that the Russian orthodox Church has strained relations with the Orthodox churches in Ukraine because of the way the Ukraine has split from Russia and aligned with NATO. There must have been a lot going on under the covers, as the Eastern Orthodox Church based in Constantinople, Turkey (which is the headquarters of the organisational church world wide from early Christianity) has recognised the church in Ukraine as being independent of the Russian Orthodox Church. This gives legitimacy to the forced takeover of churches in the Ukraine by those who are seeking to consolidate an independent power base there.

Per usual, when a church movement has amassed a very dedicated following, political power base and endless riches, there's a lot at risk in worldly terms. If it was just people networking, a takeover would have been near impossible (as the Roman Empire found when trying to quash early Christians who had very little structure, fixed locations, assets or political connections) and the Ukrainian Orthodox Christians would have continued more or less as is. There is however a lot at stake in terms of formal organisation, established (and paid) clergy, assets and political connections, so I'm not sure we've seen the end of this. It could be contested and there's the possibility of much discussion, mediation and even an international resolution given the times we're in. The Roman Pontiff (Pope Francis) has been making significant efforts to unite the catholic, protestant & orthodox churches. The majority of churches in the western world (including Lutheran and Pentecostal) now acknowledge him as their head. It will be interesting to see if the Roman Pontiff gets involved in this Russian / Ukrainian / Eastern Orthodox situation, which flies in the face of his efforts to unify the Christian faith worldwide, and then unify it with other religions too (efforts have been underway for some time with Judaism, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and more). We'll just have to watch this space and see that comes of it.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Geo-physicist whistleblower on USA nuclear and HAARP

India forced into biometric, digital society.

It's been talked about a lot. There's been signs of it coming. Now it's really hitting the fan in India. Forced central ID by the government, and IS extendable to offer services like banking. The Indian PM is a staunch Hindu, and is pushing this as hard as he can. Christian Indians are very concerned about it, and one has taken it to the High Court. Is this a sign of things to come? Maybe this PM and the Indian government is worth some further examination.