Venezuela is very topical at the moment. You'd think it was the embodiment of evil. In fact, it's just the opposite. Venezuela just wants to get on with its own business, but foreign interests really want to get their hands on its natural resources. Fortunately for Venezuela, Hugo Chavez and his team created an amazing Constitution which stated that if the government becomes corrupt and driven by foreign interests, it is able to be reset on order to drive Venezuela with ongoing viability according to the interests of its people. The Florida Marquis explains this well. Listen and enjoy...
Watching the emergence of the New World Order / Globalisat Cabal; collating and commenting on news and articles from a non-institutional Christian perspective. Watching the end-time new world take shape.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Monday, January 14, 2019
US plays hardball over gas pipeline
I've been saying fur many years now that last if the Middle East agenda is Annie energy; particularly gas & oil. This article lots some meat on dem bones.
German Politicians Outraged Over US Envoy's Threats to Nord Stream 2 Firms.
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Trump: Inside or Outside the NWO Elite?
When searching to check NWO connections of a permanent Ambassador to the UN, this article popped up. It affirms my belief that Trump is very much an inside player of the NWO, and he's in office as part of a Hegelian Dialectic.
No doubt many in both political parties believe in their cause and vehemently fight against the other. They are consumed by their values and 'fighting the good fight'; but there are undoubtedly a few 'initiates' at the top of each side that know the bigger picture. These 'initiates' are shadow boxers; actors in a play; and the real fight for them is to move society further into captivity to their system. No matter what the political fight is, much of it is contrived to create a vacuum into which society moves. This contrived fight and the real outcome is known as a Hegelian Dialectic.