Saturday, November 13, 2021

Marburg - patented and ready to make money!

When it hits, don't let them tell you it is something new.

Melbourne Freedom Protests Grow Larger

Melbourne, Australia has seen the most severe lockdown of any city in the world. The population have suffered much, and is increasingly frustrated. Now the Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews is trying to push through a new bill that will give him increased powers to call a lockdown. 

With these things in mind, here's some history from Telegram posts

Absolutely brilliant, a VERY POWERFUL video.

Non compliant patriots like Aussie Cossack will save Melbourne from the dictatorship of the communist Labour Party and its supreme leader Dictator Dan Andrews.

My friends know I'm concerned about the decline of free speech in Australia. I'm also deeply troubled about violations of our Constitution, many of which don't really come to light because we're too busy watching celebrities or sport. 

This development shocks me though, and I hope it does you, because it could yet bight a loved family member or friend.

"Authorised Officers" from the Victorian Government Department of Health (DHHS) have walked into a doctor's office and seized all medical records, including the appointment book. 

It has been reported:
1. The intruders didn't attempt to identify themselves, apart from "We are Authorised Officers".
2. They didn't state the nature of their inquiry.
3. The Department of Health have issued him with a Prohibition Notice. 

The doctor is Dr Mark Hobart, who runs a family surgery in Sunshine North. He is a well researched, ethical doctor who bulk bills many of his patients. He and other committed doctors have been at the forefront of treating people with vaccine injuries. I have once met Dr Mark Hobart in person. He is an intelligent, self-effacing, humble man with a servant heart.

This 'raid' took place because Dr Hobart rightly declined to hand over confidential patient information to DHHS last week. Today was the result. Dr Hobart's offices have been closed by the government. He is now out of work. There was no warranty. There was no charge.


It's a violation of the Declaration Of Bio-Ethics and Human Rights. (

See a report on this at 


I talked to Mark yesterday, and will hopefully get updates going forward to share. He has voluntarily closed his practice for a week in order to get an extension for a court hearing. There was supposed to be an initial hearing this morning, over the Internet. The court case proper will be in about a week's time. 
At this stage, Mark believes on the advice of his lawyers that they have a very good case a the state. 

My conversation was brief, and Mark had a lot going on, but I believe the main points of objection are:
1. There was no warrant
2. The participants in the raid did not properly identify themselves
3. They did not state what they were after
4. They took a stack of confidential doctor/patient records, without focus
5. They carried the records out publicly, with some names visible on files, violating patient privacy.

If you pray, now is a good time to ask for God's protection and blessing for Mark. I will provide updates if/when able.

I am currently unable to share to public groups. Please share this.

Last weekend, 20,000 people rallied in Melbourne. Today there may be double that (despite mainstream media saying otherwise, if you go you will see the masses). This is not about political parties, personalities or political persuasions! it is about stopping our society going off a cliff.

Millions of people and their descendents will look back on or politicians regarding this legislation - either as being complicit in turning Victoria into a dictatorship or as those who stood on principles and cared enough for our society to stand up and be counted

Last week was really 20,000 people. Today was probably 30,000 people. 
LISTEN to what European immigrants say about what they have gone though and the awful danger we are facing.

Ariel views of the protest on Saturday 13 Nov 2021:

Some good footage showing the immensity of the crowd at today's 'Kill The Bill' protest in Melbourne.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

"Authorised Officers" from the Victorian Government Department of Health (DHHS) have walked into a doctor's office and seized all medical records

Mr friends know I'm concerned about the decline of free speech in Australia. I'm also deeply troubled about violations of our Constitution, many of which don't really come to light because we're too busy watching celebrities or sport. 

This development shocks me though, and I hope it does you, because it could yet bight a loved family member or friend.

"Authorised Officers" from the Victorian Government Department of Health (DHHS) have walked into a doctor's office and seized all medical records, including the appointment book. 

It has been reported:
1. The intruders didn't attempt to identify themselves, apart from "We are Authorised Officers".
2. They didn't state the nature of their inquiry.
3. The Department of Health have issued him with a Prohibition Notice. 

The doctor is Dr Mark Hobart, who runs a family surgery in Sunshine North. He is a well researched, ethical doctor who bulk bills many of his patients. He and other committed doctors have been at the forefront of treating people with vaccine injuries. I have once met Dr Mark Hobart in person. He is an intelligent, self-effacing, humble man with a servant heart.

This 'raid' took place because Dr Hobart rightly declined to hand over confidential patient information to DHHS last week. Today was the result. Dr Hobart's offices have been closed by the government. He is now out of work. There was no warranty. There was no charge.


It's a violation of the Declaration Of Bio-Ethics and Human Rights. (

See a report on this at

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

33 miners, 69 days, 13th October

13 October. It's an occult date. A numerical inversion of the 31st. 

So what? Read on for context...

Satanic October
Oct. 13 ~ Continuous High Holiday (reverse date of October 31st)
Oct. 28 ~ SATANIC HIGH HOLY DAYS (thru Nov. 4) (Blood Rituals)

Abduction, ceremonial preparation & holding of sacrificial victim for All Hallows Eve
Human Sacrifice
Oct. 31 ~ ALL HALLOWS EVE (Halloween or Samhain) (Sexual and Blood Rituals)
Sexual association with demons called up, and animal and/or human sacrifice.

(from a website about Satanism)

So why does it not surprise me when I read that on 13th October 2010 that 33 (Masonic/occult number) miners were trapped underground for 69 (occult, sexual) days. 

"The miners made the smooth ascent inside the Phoenix capsule -- 13 feet tall, barely wider than their shoulders and painted in the white, blue and red of the Chilean flag. It had a door that stuck occasionally, and some wheels had to be replaced, but it worked exactly as planned."¹

13 feet tall? Really. There goes that number again. And 'Phoenix"? That's about death and rising to life, often used in Freemasonry. Red, White and Blue are Masonic control colours. Look at the Masonic kingdoms in Europe; they just these colours.

"Estimates for the rescue operation alone have soared beyond $22 million, though the government has repeatedly insisted that money was not a concern....Psychiatrists and other experts in surviving extreme situations predict their lives will be anything but normal. Since Aug. 22, when a narrow bore hole broke through to their refuge and the miners stunned the world with a note, scrawled in red ink, disclosing their survival, their families have been exposed in ways they never imagined."

22 is twice 11. Another tell tale. One short of 12, the number of perfect government.

Illuminati members, Satanists and other occultists would have known this was an orchestrated event because of the numbers!
These people stage events. I'm not always sure why, but the Satanic calendar often offers insight that they are connected to sacrificial dates.


Thursday, August 5, 2021

Reference Document: The Great Barrington Declaration

As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Higher death rate in Pfizer vaccinated people

Watch This Before You Consider Another Lockdown

Watch This Before You Consider Another Lockdown

This Is SO IMPORTANT. You Need To Check Out What Charlie Kirk Is Saying About The Tyrannical Lockdown Orders! #BigGovSucks

Official UK report - more COVID-19 deaths after vaccine

An official UK health report states there have been more deaths from COVID-19 after the COVID-19 vaccine than for those who are unvaccinated!

Friday, July 16, 2021


Please help businesses that are being crushed by lockdowns!

Monday, July 12, 2021

Branson's UNITY 22 Space Craft

It's interesting to watch science progress. It bears testament to what man is capable of...
        and yet man also can have an esoteric side to him too. 

The great inventor, Nokola Tesla, had a dark side and got his breakthroughs through spiritual means.

Jordy from DWave, the Quantum computer company, says they are "in touch with an ancient intelligence".

Elon Musk is (justifiably in my opinion) scared of AI. He knows there's a non-terrestrial intelligence behind the technology.

Sir Richard Branson has just lifted off into space in Unity22, his amazing space craft, borne inside the wings of a massive airplane platform to give it as much altitude as possible before engaging the rocket booster...
     and I wondered about the name.

UNITY is a concept many in the New Age believe will come when aliens call earth into the Galactic Federation. I have it from multiple sources, including some official channels, that alien disclosure is coming. They will appear to be benevolent, but are in fact malevolent, in truth being Fallen Angels (refer the books of Genesis, Revelation & Enoch). However, most of our world will be hoodwinked into believing they are friendly and here to facilitate the next stage of humankind's development: the onset of the Age Of Aquarius and membership among the Galactic Federation.

TWENTY TWO is an occult number. It's twice ELEVEN, and a DOUBLE TWO. Let's have an expert explain that from an occult perspective...


In numerology, the number 22 is a double Master Number and contains exceptional visionary qualities, as well as the practical, grounded impulse which comes from the number 4 (2 + 2 = 4). So when you see Angel Number 22, your Spirit Guides are encouraging you to lift your manifestational prowess up to the next level! 4 is also a traditionally “lucky number” associated with the Ascended Masters so the energetic support surrounding you at this time is positively supernatural!

It can be a really scary thing to make your mark on the world. To take that first, brave step out of the box, away from the comfort zones of ordinary, everyday life and actually DO that thing that will make your heart sing! BUT, without birthing of your desire, intention, idea, or dream out into the world,  the vibration of the double master number 22 (known in numerology as the master builder) can’t be fulfilled!

Your destiny risks diverting into realms OFF your path.

So if this number is showing up for you, it’s time to release your intention, externalize it and start nurturing its existence in the big wide world. Angel Number 22 is here to tell you to make that phone call, write that email and take the inspired action that will shape your desire into being!

Trust yourself, your instincts and the visions in your heart. Seeing Angel Number 22 is a truly powerful sign that it’s time to take your big idea and make it your reality!

The numbers are already pointing you in the right direction, so it’s time to dig a little deeper, and use their wisdom for the guidance you need."



So now you know why the space craft is called INITY 22. It's a salute to the spiritual beings and parts that have given Richard Branson his wealth; delivered the massive Virgin airlines into his hands and now Virgin Galactic.
I do wonder what the end will be for Branson. Will he need YHWH's voice and repent as things become clearer to him, or has he already in fact sold his soul.

Watch and be amazed at modern aeronautical science and rocket science. Don't forget though where some of the science comes from and where it's taking us!

Sunday, July 11, 2021

"COVID-19 is itself a consequence of environmental degradation"

Did you read that title? It's an excerpt from the following paragraph. What a load of bunkum! It is according to multiple sources what's coming though.

"COVID-19 is itself a consequence of environmental degradation: one recent study dubbed it “the disease of the Anthropocene.” Moreover, climate change will exacerbate the social and economic problems highlighted by the pandemic. These include...

NSW Police: "You don't need that pair of shoes today". A send up!

One of our freedom oriented community journalists having some fun with a police announcement "You don't need that pair of shoes today".

Friday, July 9, 2021

"If not now then when? "If not me and you... "

A great motivational song for the times we live in... 

"If not now then when? 
"If not me and you... "

Each of us has a calling. As Paul, then in jail because of his call to freedom from oppression in the carrier if Christ said:

"I therefore, the prisoner for the Lord, appeal to and beg you to walk (lead a life) worthy of the [divine] calling to which you have been called [with behavior that is a credit to the summons to God’s service" *

* AMPC, Ephesians 4:1 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021


Disclosure Coming

#disclosure #nephalim #aliens #fallenangels #NWO

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

How has Monotheism been corrupted by Babylonian Religion?

Robert Sepehyr, a published and YouTube anthropologist, alleged that all religions start by man reaching out to gods through altered States of mind, and that modern religion has corrupted the ancient ways. He believes that a resurgence of taking place and organised religion will give way to the ancient divine. View his video at

He is correct that Christianity, Judaism and are Islam different to when they were established. I believe he is mislead however that the genesis came from man reaching out to 'the gods'. 

The mission of Jesus (Yeshua) was to rescue a mankind cut off from YHWH by the deception of rebellious (fallen) angels. Most ancient cultures record these as The Watchers. If you want to verify this root, you need to investigate the common stories of ancient cultures.


Gab Social:

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Who Owns The Federal Reserve?

The Federal Reserve Cartel – Eight Families own the USA #BIS, IMF, World Bank – Dean Henderson

Herland Report: Who owns the Federal Reserve? Read the story on the role of BIS, the World Bank and IMF in controlling world assets: 

Who owns the Federal Reserve? The members of the Federal Reserve own America Herland Report
Who owns the Federal Reserve? Photo: The Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London;

the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.

Many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe.

The US government had a historical distrust of BIS, lobbying unsuccessfully for its demise at the 1944 post-WWII Bretton Woods Conference.

Instead the Eight Families’ power was exacerbated, with the Bretton Woods creation of the IMF and the World Bank.

Bretton Woods became a boon to the Eight Families. The IMF and World Bank were central to this “new world order”.

The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths.

Companies under Rockefeller control include Exxon Mobil, Chevron Texaco, BP Amoco, Marathon Oil, Freeport McMoran, Quaker Oats, ASARCO, United, Delta, Northwest, ITT, International Harvester, Xerox, Boeing, Westinghouse, Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell, International Paper, Pfizer, Motorola, Monsanto, Union Carbide and General Foods, writes Dean Henderson at The Herland Report and Free21.


Subscribe to Herland Report TV with leading intellectuals
The Herland Report is a Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcasts reaching millions yearly. Founded by historian and author, Hanne Nabintu Herland, it is a great place to watch interviews and read the work of leading intellectuals, thought leaders, authors and activists from across the political spectrum.


The Federal Reserve Cartel: Who owns the Federal Reserve? Their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch. According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation.

So who owns the Federal Reserve and are the stockholders in these money center banks? This information is guarded much more closely.

My queries to bank regulatory agencies regarding stock ownership in the top 25 US bank holding companies were given Freedom of Information Act status, before being denied on “national security” grounds.

This is rather ironic, since many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe. One important repository for the wealth of the global oligarchy that owns these bank holding companies is US Trust Corporation – founded in 1853 and now owned by Bank of America. A recent US Trust Corporate Director and Honorary Trustee was Walter Rothschild.

Other directors included Daniel Davison of JP Morgan Chase, Richard Tucker of Exxon Mobil, Daniel Roberts of Citigroup and Marshall Schwartz of Morgan Stanley. J. W. McCallister, an oil industry insider with House of Saud connections, wrote in The Grim Reaper that information he acquired from Saudi bankers cited 80% ownership of the New York Federal Reserve Bank– by far the most powerful Fed branch- by just eight families, four of which reside in the US.

saved here for preservation

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Does it matter which party wins elections?

I'm not meaning to be a fatalist or ignorant of facts. I have not swallowed the Blue Pill (all will be well) either. I just stand back enough to see patterns and a larger agenda.
Most of my occasional readers will probably realise most Presidents have come from one blood line. Yes, most are distant relatives. "Wow", you say. "That's impressive! I bet I'm related to the Queen!". You have to understand just how important blood line are to these guys, and why the US elections are a game show. 
Have you noticed that whoever gets elected, the same agenda eventually goes forward? There is some variation of course, some re-packaging, but the test of time shows an overall agenda is progressed. 
Why then do our countries seem to work against the population, controlling them and reducing their independence from the state? Is that part of a larger picture? I believe it is.

I watched part of a video this morning in which a US Congresswoman stated that by the time most people get into Congress, they have been paid off and are compliant with the agenda. This is also true in Australia. I talked to the soon of a politician who eventually quit when he realised people were meeting in the lunch break to agree on the agenda. They came from both major parties and a few others too; were dressed formally and on closer inspection were Freemasons.  It's been going on a long time. The file photo is from the sixties.

Hyperinflation coming to USA

Has anyone watched The Big Short? It's the story of the GFC and the guy who warned about what the banks were doing that caused it. He was ignored, but was entirely accurate.

His name is Michael Burry. He's a brilliant financial expert and statistician.

Now according to Business Insider Australia, Michael is warning the USA is headed for hyperinflation, just like Germany did in the thirties. I've been warning about the same thing, telling people not to use their home security to invest as it could go down like dominoes. 

Australia is tightly linked to the US Dollar (USD) financially. We live in a global system. Furthermore, the private individuals who own the Federal Reserve also own the Reserve Bank in Australia. In fact, the Central Banking System is an octopus that encircles the world, with only a handful of countries not involved.


Image from The Big Short, available on Netflix and other platforms. It cycles into available videos on Netflix, so keep an eye out for it.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Melbourne, Australia: Business Owners Protest trampled, voices not heard

I worked as an Economic Recovery Coordinator last year for Central Goldfields Shire Council. I had adult business owners very emotional and some in tears as they told me their stories of grief and loss due to the lockdowns.
There was a protest in Melbourne last week but business owners who are desperate because lockdowns have destroyed their businesses...

Bitcoin causes Climate Change? Really?

Bit there's more to it. Let me join the dots for you...

Video thanks to Next News Network

Tuesday, June 8, 2021


I have been sitting having breakfast and pondering. That's when concepts sometimes solidify in my mind, and occasionally I get a glimpse of possible futures. So here's a glimpse into my mind this morning,a neutral network where connections sometimes just fire up and I follow the consequences.


It seems to me there are elements across almost every state in the USA who desperately want Trump to return, and it's not a flash in the pan. It's unprecedented. Societies are unfortunately manipulated by feelings more than facts. Modern media has made sure if that, perhaps starting with Goebbels the NAZI. Whether or not it's entirely factual (what I personally believe is irrelevant here), there's a feeling of injustice that Trump lost power, and a very emotionally charged electorate wishing for his return.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I can see from Down Under, Biden is becoming unpopular with many who elected him. I'm not going try to detail what's happening here; there are plenty of videos and articles about how the Democrats are destroying the USA.

The deeper questions are perhaps:

"Is this deliberate? Is this preparation?"


There are now only four international ports open in the USA. I suspect that has been justified under bio-security. Although the US continues to import many goods from across the world, including China, it is however exporting grain through those ports, to the detriment of the people of the USA. Senior management of the grain exporters must know whilst they are making money from shipping grain to China (the main buyer), they are placing brain supplies in a perilous position within the US.  

What if the port closures and deliberate food insecurity are part of a plan? What if this is part of Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030. 

What if there USA, along with many other nations, faces mass starvation due to lack of food? 

What if the people's of the USA became aware Biden's Administration was complicit in allowing starvation? The resulting chaos that comes when desperate people seek food will further degenerate America's civility.


In the kit bag of the elite, war is a great one for destroying or reshaping societies! The threat of war looms more tangible to many in the USA than in recent decades. There's a real fear the USA may need to fight a war against China. Fears of conflict with Russia have also been stirred up. There's nothing like war to get the Average Joe to surrender his rights to the state. There's nothing like the imminent that is war to start that surrender and bring social change! 


Let us not forget the agenda to reshape the world economy. There are plans well advanced for a world crypto-currency. A crash will make people desperate for intervention. This article is a timely reminder of what the USA and the world is facing: 


If the people of the US are angry and insecure enough, and subtly prepared to do so, they will be very ready to en-masse eject Biden from the leader's seat and pop Trump back in the chair. What a relief!


I don't know how long Biden will manage to stay in power, but whether he's tossed because if a legal or constitutional challenge, or defeated at the next election, it's almost like his extreme government may be preparing the country... for what? What's on the other side of flip/flop?


Trump will be hailed as a hero if he brings law and order after chaos, looting and mass economic loss. He will 'have a mandate' from the people who elected him to bring radical change to make the USA civilly functional and safe again. 

It is funny how that phrase had become endemic in recent years: to 'have a mandate from the people'. It's worked its way very effectively into the collective consciousness here in Australia. Whether the phrase is used in your country or not, I can assure you the concept is becoming more popular. It's part of preparation for radical change; for Trump to 'stand up and be the President of the Greatest Country on Earth!'.

The massive swing in the populace is preparation for Fascism; for Communism; for..... the New World Order, complete with Noahide Laws.


I say "Draconian Trump", but the reality is that it doesn't really matter who is next in the two party flip/flop game. He will follow the same agenda. Let's finish this article with Draconian Trump though; it gives a personality and I like saying it :-)

If Trump regains power, he will doubtless reform what he can regarding law and order. There's a possibility though: in states and counties that are Blue, the police are controlled contrary to his wishes at a lower level. If things dictate a need, he will 'take up his mantle' sales 'follows these people's mandate': military law may be reality to restore order.

Military Law will however only enforce what is law, even under emergency powers. We know the Jews are planning Noahide Law and Trump is right behind it. What if Trump uses the chaos that's being generated now as a justification for changing the laws the police function under at a national level, usurping lower localities? 


If Trump regains power, be will have opportunity to push through new laws. The claim with Noahide Law is that it is in fact 'ordained of old' and 'the only true basis on which a society can function'. These laws address in fact life-threatening for Christians add belief that Jesus/Yeshua is the Son of God is viewed as blasphemy and punishable by beheading using a guillotine, many of which are now in place in the Continental US.

It's not really about Trump. It probably doesn't matter entirely to the elite if it's someone else. They have candidates must waiting for 'just in case..." scenarios. The real issue is the agenda.


The groundwork had already been laid in the United Nations and in the US. All that is required is there throwing of a switch. When will be there right moment?


Let us not neglect the opportunity to have short at the expense of our politicians, for that is what they are for; our entertainment. I hope you enjoyed these photos, popular a few years ago.

The agenda progresses anyway.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Some great videos from Sammy J

Although I stay very factual on this blog, I'm sharing some of my favourite Sammy J videos. He's an Aussie comedian who lives here in Victoria under Dan Andrews; so the place in the world with the harshest lockdowns.

CONTEXT #1: Melbourne intersections direct right turning traffic to the far left lane, and when through traffic has cleared, the turning cars can cross. This is known as a 'hook turn' and is unique to Melbourne. Sammy J has coined 'Hookturnistan' and had some fun with it.

CONTEXT #2: Melbourne has an amazing cafe culture. Sammy J often alludes to lattes, which are one form of coffee served at our cafes.

Here then it's an introduction to Sammy J. I hope you enjoy them. Please let know.

Monday, May 31, 2021

Telegram - replica channel

I have started a channel on Telegram: I will be posting articles that have appeared on my Blogger account, Whilst Telegram is not the end home due to some limitations, it does provide some security and has a large user base.

Signal or Session Messenger, and why?

How does Signal Messenger compare to Session Messenger?

That is a question asked by a friend who tracked down an answer; but there's more to it than a user perspective!

Here's the answer he found on Reddit, which is valid as far as it goes. Note it is about seven months old as I write this. My answer follows.

Signal vs Session Private Messenger?
Which is better? I was thinking of switching from signal to Session since it doesn't require a phone number (unlike Signal). What are your thoughts on this?

Should I make the switch or continue with Signal?

[UPDATE: Went with Signal. Calling quality has improved A LOT.]

Session is buggy as hell, I would stick with Signal for now, they are bringing out usernames soon so you won’t need a phone number to use it

Are messages delayed or something? And any idea when Signal will switch to usernames?

turns out notifications are pretty damn hard when you remove a central server so we've had to engineer quite a few new things for Session. Message reliability and notifications are definitely getting better and our developers are still focused on improving the user experience. There's some big things coming, which im not able to touch on yet, but stay tuned!

Messages are delayed and the notifications are terrible, cool concept just too many problems with it currently

Signal don’t really give a schedule for when things are going to be released they just release them, from what I’ve been reading they have had to pretty much re-write a big part of Signal to incorporate the usernames feature and it’s currently in testing stages

MY REPLY (adapted for Gab)

This thread essentially compares user experience and bugs, but doesn't go into distributed nodes and onion skinning, which is the real benefit of Session. That post was seven months ago; I believe Session have been working very hard to get things stable. If they succeed, and I believe they are, it will be better than Signal. Why?

Signal is encrypted but CENTRALISED, whereas Session is DISTRIBUTED. In the end any encrypted device can be accessed - it is just a matter of brute force over time. Authorities can walk into Signal HQ and confiscate the servers and all our private messages; then it's just s matter of time until they have it all unlocked. With Session, If they can't get their hands on physical servers, they can't crack the messages. 

I have a suspicion Christians and other dissenters of the NWO / Beast Kingdom of Revelation may need secure messaging, and I'm concerned it maybe sooner rather than later. See what our Kabbalist PM  (converted to Judaism) and Dutton are planning:

I believe time is shorter than may anticipate. It's no good complaining but leaving yourself without the ability to communicate with friends and loved ones as you need. The New Testament - our Christian Bible as we know it - will be banned in Australia; Noahide Law will see to that and these laws are being adopted globally. Noahide Law asserts worship of anyone but 'God' as blasphemy, punishable by death (by guillotine, which is being made ready but that's another big discussion).

Sunday, May 30, 2021

NASA: pale horse, red horse

Followers will possibly remember me saying that NASA was founded using NAZI scientists rescued from a collapsing Germany as part of Operation Paperclip. The scientists were part of an occult organisation and had technologies America wanted. England also wanted the scientists, so did Russia. They all rushed in to grab them. There are plenty of books on this. Rocket technologies were rapidly adapted and the series of rockets and manned space missions were named using an occult theme.

Would it suprise you then to learn that the  patches NASA has for each of its satellite launches are occult in nature? How about mission patches like the Apollo program?

Check the recent launch patches. A pale horse and a red horse. I've included an image of the pale horse patch. Note it has a war hood on it, and the phrase says "Our time has come". That is not good news for humanity. I believe the symbology fits with the Book of Revelation.

Read more:

Douglas Murray: Why revolutionary ideas are taking root

Douglas Murray is a sane voice who explains why we are witnessing such turmoil in society. There are historic parallels for turmoil and revolution. People can't afford housing. They are afraid of the future. The time is ripe for change being pushed but those who own the media.

What I did glean on the London Real video is that he's gay. He said this openly so people can understand he's not just shooting down anything that's different. He has a genuine concern for what's happening in society and wants a system of rational debate. Instead, we have emotional bandwagons that capture crowds using something genuine but in turn use it to progress something bigger and less palatable.

I've yet to listen to these all completely, but I'm wondering what my followers think about what's discussed.

Rubin Report

London Real

Hoover Institution

image from London Real video

Saturday, May 29, 2021

China's MASSIVE flood and FOOD BUYING; Congo's volcanic eruptions and emergency

I've talked before about China buying grains hand over first. They are desperately trying to supplement rapidly failing crops at home for to record breaking floods. 

David DuBoyne explains in this video what happened last year to start the CCP on an international food buying spree, and what's happening right now that is making it far worse.

What David doesn't directly say is that the Three Gorges Dam is perilously close to collapse. This would cause a humanitarian catastrophe unparalleled in modern history as the density of population downstream that could lose their life due the deluge from the collapse is mind boggling. Then of course one of their primary food growing areas would be lost for some time due to infrastructure destruction.

Congo is seeing massive eruptions and evcuation if a major city. That's up first in David's video. It fits with the earth changes David explains are part of the magnetosphere driven earth changes due to the Grand Solar Minimum. I've watched a lot of his videos at this stage and believe there is far more credibility to this than global warming.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Zero interest rates & currency collapse

Many of you know I've written about how hyperinflation comes after near zero interest rates.

What you have to bear in mind is that governments don't own Central Banks; private bankers do. The Rothschild, Kuhn & Loeb families in Europe are central to this group. Governments borrow money from their Central Banking System. They're aim is of course to forment conditions that will help them acquire more wealth.

The fiat currency collapse spiral is basically per the following list (my version)...

1. Government borrows money from Central Bank to finance military, infrastructure etc.
2. Government has to pay interest and ends up borrowing more money to pay it
3. Government can't pay interest, so Central Bank lowers interest rate
4. Low interest rate causes stimulus, but not enough
5. Government gives stimulus payments to businesses
6. Government gives handouts to populace is desperation to stimulate spending. Inflation sets in more deeply
7. Interest rate goes near zero
8. Inflation takes off
9. Stocks, bonds, crypto-currencies etc start to collapse. Hyperinflation hits.
10. The fiat currency collapses, just like it did in Germany multiple times.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Canada Health Alliance re COVID-19

No summary or compilation today, just a single, important video. It's blunt, factual and reassuring. Have a watch did yourself.

It's no longer available on their website, due to a server error. They use CloudFlare, a major Content Distribution Network; that wasn't a good move. Hopefully it gets resolved.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

UN Directors Block majority vote of Security Council

So you really think the United Nations is a democratic body when a vote of 93% majority was dismissed by those that really run the organisation? Isn't it interesting that the progeny of Zionist founders of the UN are the power behind the throne that has dismissed a vote against Israel! 

The United Nations is an occult body that wants world government in its hands, and the result will not be at all democratic. It will be draconian. The Bible has much to say about the Beast Kingdom, which is terrible in its persecution of those who stand in its way. 

With the announcement this week from the US Government that UFOs have recently been sighted at close range by ships from their navy, and some historical sightings also confirmed, it's not long now before and official disclosure of 'alien' life, which is in fact no different from that recorded by ancient cultures and already present in earth (not from outer space) and having vehicles like UFOs and very advanced technologies. Isn't it interesting the official report from the US Navy cites the UFOs as 'splashing' - ie. entering the water; sometimes at speed which defines our understanding of physics. These creatures are the ilk of the Watchers, that is that are either other Fallen Angels not imprisoned with two hundred Watchers or they are Nephalim, hybrid creatures born of angelic beings and human women as recorded in the Bible and many other ancient records.
If there is a disclosure, you can bet your bottom dollar the United Nations will welcome them with open arms AND the Roman Pontiff, Pope Francis, will offer the baptise them as he has already stated. He is, as he's confessed, already watching for their coming with his telescope, named Lucifer.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Economist forecasts disruption for banks

This video is what you call signalling. The Economist is a NWO announcement channel, and has been used many times before to signal intentions.

The government in Australia and those in many other countries have already passed legislation to allow banks to pass on risk to investors, with the end result of massive losses on deposits should a bank run into trouble. You can bet they will.

This is part of the Great Reset and march toward a global currency and one world government. "You will own nothing and you will be happy". Watch the WEF video on their social forecast for 2030; just a few short years away. Look for mixed messages. Look for the leveling and mixing society and the removal of our rights. Look for Western democracies running into real trouble.

Now watch The Economist's video regarding banking:

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Fw: Is COVID a bioweapon? - Salk Institute report / ex Pfizer Chief Scientist / Russian Colonel

I received today a notification that alluded to a Salk Institute science paper regarding the COVID spike protein being harmful irrespective of the virus carrying it, so I tracked down the source and read up on it. It's in your interest to read it too, as the vaccine carries this spike protein and it may injure your health. Is this bigger than China releasing COVID? Are we seeing Agenda 21 taking shape? Are we headed down the track to the mass population reduction goals of Agenda 2030?

Dr. Mike Yeadon, formerly a Vice President and Chief Science Officer at Pfizer, believes a large scale experiment is now well under way, which may have terrible implications for the global population. See

You may have heard the CIA recently reported the result of an investigation: that COVID is artificial and a bio-weapon. Frankly, this is what I had been expecting. There are news reports and books starting to surface regarding this now. I have also heard an Australian general recently briefed our government regarding this in a similar vein, citing a traditional military and biological warfare threat from China.

Add to that, a Russian GRU Col. Vladimir Kvachkov Exposes Coronavirus Agenda:

We are living in momentous times. Hold on to YHWH!

Monday, April 12, 2021

isn't there always a payoff - BLMs Black Lives Manors

isn't there always a payoff. Someone leverages a genuine problem, blows it out of proportion to serve another agenda (Marxism) and gets rich. I don't know for sure where her money came from, but there's a history of payoffs with subversion. China's analysis of the USAs weaknesses years ago said the best chance of destroying it was too incite racial tensions into societal chaos... welcome to the reality.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

China / Antarctica / Nephalim

Are up to date on Antarctica? If you're not, please just look up the Antarctic Treaty, where a bunch of nations under the auspices of the United Nations (that entirely trustworthy, Luciferian body) locked up Antarctica, banning travel to the interior and putting military bases around it. You works really want to ask "WHY?!".

Then look up this video on Admiral Byrd, who has almost been erased from history, but thankfully the news footage keeps reappearing. First and second expedition news reels (just as history):,

His last Antarctic expedition funded by the US Navy and with massive resources was attacked by advanced aircraft and they retreated. This Russian video with English subtitles goes into the NAZI Germany, High Jump and the Antarctic. I have scanned it and will watch it fully later, but as good background it seems to do the job: (Russian with subtitles)

Now the current news re China and the Antarctic:

Isn't that interesting. If the Grand Solar Minimum is starting, what do the powers that be really expect to happen with access to Antarctica?

Furthermore, I believe The Abyss, as mentioned in Revelation, may be there, and it gets opened. When? Are we close to that time?

No matter who you are, the agenda of the elite is progressing. Those of the Nephalim / Meronvingian bloodline are attempting to wipe out much of humanity. Why? They are related to the Fallen Angels, of whom Lucifer is the leader. He incited the rebellion that caused interbreeding between Fallen Angels and human women to produce hybrids - Nephalim. These are the ancient men of greatness. These are the Kings of Atlantis. These are the characters whom Marvel, Disney and others are promoting now as young people the globe over are being prepared for a reemergence. Where are they? Some if these characters are locked in The Abyss. The Bible says they will be loosed at the end time. I believe The Abyss may be in Antarctica; but that's a story for another time. I have good reasons.

From the Nephalim came the giants in post-flood history after Atlantis was destroyed. You would think if Noah was building the Ark for a couple of hundred years, saying YHWH's judgement was coming, that some of these advanced brings would figure out how to survive wouldn't you? If you doubt the reality, read Plato. Then read the Old Testament, and check the incidence of "giants' back to the root language. It's Nephalim!

SDR creates its own fiat currencies out of thin air

There's IMF has allegedly been given power to create its own SDR fiat currency in order to provide stimulus to member nations. This first currency will generate more of the main currencies in use via their Central Banks - yes, the Central Banks create currency at will. This debases currencies and destroys savings. It makes national debt easier as it is has been agreed the SDR will be lent without interest.

We still get to pay interest though. 
They create currency from nothing.
They lend it via their Central Banks to government bank. I have a strong suspicion that although the Central Banks will not pay interest, they will charge some interest to the government banks, which will be passed down the food chain.

This video hints at part of the picture. You have to understand the Central Banking System to connect the dots as I have.

Does Andrew Bolt (Sky News Australia) have it right, or is it bigger?

I have just watched a news report by Andrew Bolt from Sky News Australia. I like Andrew. He's an even handed man most of the time, and pulls no punches. I believe Andrew has summarised the threats presented by the three recent meetings involving Russia and China reasonably well. You can view his video here: and then come back for my comments.

What Andrew doesn't seem to realise is that Myanmar is scared of China, and maybe even India, so running to Russia which is more distant gives it a partner that won't invade because it can't easily sustain occupation. 

As far as Russia and China are concerned, there are still significant tensions there. I personally believe the alliance is shakey and one of convenience to overthrow the USA. You can almost guarantee if they manage to overthrow America, the will be some further posturing and tactical battles between them for territory. They are unlikely to keep a firm alliance due to the differences in ideology. Although Putin is reputedly controlled by Orthodox Jewry and China by high ranking Jews of the Rothschild ilk, their people are not - even many in the military would be shocked if they knew the commonality of control. It would thus be difficult to fabricate a uni-polar alliance to dominate unless... unless the United Nations was involved.

With conflict rearing its head in Ukraine; between China and Taiwan; and in the Middle East again (Yemen, Lebanon, Israel), it would not take much to tip our world into a global conflict. Such conflict may yet be brought to heel but the increasingly prominent, influential and decisive United Nations. 

What concerns me is that below the veneer of the 'global village' approach the UN espouses, where consensus is so important, there are still some nations more equal than others, and yet more significant, the UN at its heart is not democratic - go look at its roots, its funding, its ties to the elite global bankers.

The Bible says things will heat up as the global Beast Empire comes to power. I believe the United Nations is the foundation of the Beast. I also believe, as Israeli rabbis recently expoused, that "as America falls, Israel must rise" - that Israel will become the visible centre of world power. It may not be visible now, but it will become so.

If you're a Christian, the Bible speaks about times getting more difficult. It's time to deepen your faith!

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Is Pope Francis the Antichrist?

Someone in a Facebook post I'm participating in just said "I think Pope Francis is the Antichrist". That's not an uncommon thought, but I believe there more to it. Let me expound...

Let's start with some scripture:

1 John 2:18-19 "Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us."  

The Roman Pontiffs have been held as being the Antichrist since before the Protestant Reformation. A number of Christian communities trying to follow Jesus outside the Roman church were dreadfully persecuted.

The Book of Revelation talks about the Woman That Rides The Beast, and says that the Beast will throw the Woman off and destroy her, per Revelation Chapter 17...

Revelation 17

 1  And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:

 2  With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

 3  So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

 4  And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: note


 6  And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

 7  And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

 8  The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

 9  And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

 10  And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

 11  And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

 12  And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

 13  These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

 14  These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

 15  And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.

 16  And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

 17  For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

 18  And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

I have considered we may have already seen this and the cementing of the one world religion, led but the Roman Pontiff. This alliance includes Kenneth Copeland and other American Pentecostals, Kingdom Now adherents, The Lutheran Church in the USA and more; PLUS other religions even extending to Wickans. It is now very advanced because Papa Francis is the first Jesuit Pope, refuting and abandoning much of the church's historical teachings. You may be right that he is antichrist; whether he is the Man Of Sin in Revelation is another thing. 

The Man Of Sin is however of the Beast, not of the Woman. Has Pope Francis effectively hopped from riding the Beast to being its head? I'm not sure I would go that far; I think it's more likely the Man Of Sin will be a descendent of the Pharisees (whom Jesus accused of being Satan's children) or a compatible Merovingian blood line which member families have stated "The gods gave us the right to rule".  I think at the least, we can expect an assault on Christianity from the Merovingian blood line in coming years, probably claiming descendency from the Watchers & original Nephalim Titans in Atlantis, and claiming their bloodline goes through Jesus and Mary Magdalene as popularised by Dan Brown's "The Davinci Code".

Note that in I link the destruction of the Woman with the adoption of the Antichrist.

One thing is for sure: If we are "in Christ" and watching, we will know when we see these things.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Regarding The Tribulation and Second Coming

please note: I am currently drafting a full reply to the FB post that prompted this article. 

The Tribulation according to the book of the Revelation of Saint John, is a period of time when:
a) there are extreme changes in the earth and weather
b) there are supernatural forces at work, visibly - possibly 'aliens'
c) the devil comes down with great wrath to deceive and persecute Christians
d) the Wrath of God comes upon the ungodly

In other words, things are getting tough on the earth and the forces of our god YHWH and evil Lucifer/Satan are increasingly in open competition. This is the Mystery of Godliness and the Mystery of Iniquity coming to full fruit at the end of the age.

When Jesus returns, he will come on the clouds, just as he left. "The dead in Christ shall rise first, then we who are living shall be caught up" (now days referred to as the 'rapture'). 

The early church asked "What shall be the sign of his coming?". That's important: they were expecting his earthly return. 

When Yeshua (Jesus) stood in the temple and announced his ministry to the Jews, he quoted Isaiah 61, but only the first half, which reads

"The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD"

the rest that follows happens at this second coming...

"and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn". That's 'the day'. Vengeance and comfort. Vengeance on those who rejected YHWH and comfort fit is that chose him.

That's what is coming. Jesus the Messiah will come back just as he left, to judge the nations with a rod of iron. Will he bring his order on this earth? The answer may surprise you: it is no! Our view on this has been pulluted by the teachings of Darby and Scofield! The idea that the 'thousands year reign' is a literal thousand years is largely due to them. The 'thousand' is Greek is actually 'an unspecified period of time'; and I believe that period is the church age - but that's another subject!  The scriptures say the Second Coming will bring destruction to the earth! When we are caught up, it will be to our rescue as the earth in its current form goes through its last moments.

We though have hope. We have a great Father in Heaven who's name is YHWH, the creator of all. He is all knowing and all wise. He will win the day. Our job is to be patient and faithful no matter what goes on, knowing we have the 'earnest' (KJV) is the Holy Spirit - ie. a guarantee or down payment on our salvation.

Those who are saved will rejoice at his coming. The time is increasingly near.

Do you trust the government: good overcoming evil and mass awakening?

Dear all,

I know "bank tellers know real notes but handling them, not the fakes"; but there's a point to this. There's major evil in the wind.

Our world is controlled by an axis of three sovereign states:

1. Vatican City - world religion
2. Old City of London - known historically as "The Money Power" 
3. District Of Columbia - Military Power

Yes, they are all foreign entities from the countries that contain/border them. The Queen of the United Kingdom has to ask permission to enter the CITY OF LONDON.

Working backwards through our list:

3) We have seen an enormous military campaign by the USA using the CIA and then military force as General Wesley Clarke said they would to overturn seven counties I the Middle East; starting with Iraq, including Syria and ending with Iran. I believe the real reason behind this is because Israel and China want the Overland routes for the New Silk Road and oil and gas pipelines. Now, according to sources of someone I trust deeply, the Ukraine is moving armaments and troops to the border of territories Russia claimed from them at the behest of Pres Biden. He's cut a deal, greasing palms in Ukraine to threaten Russia because Israel and China want to break Russia's route through Ukraine for the NORDSTREAM2 gas pipeline. There's major geo-politics and aggression going on here.

The USA has also re-assessed its vulnerability to China in the past few weeks. It has previously identified China as its main threat militarily, and expected war but 2024. It has now stated war with China may come as soon as 2023, and will possibly involve Russia too, with the probability Iran will also tip in with China and Russia. If that does happen, it will escalate into a world war.

A world war has been planned by the elite as part of its plans to reduce the world's population. The 

2) The 'Banksters' have lent endless trillions world wide the past few years. Take a look at the US DEBT CLOCK (Google it) and check the handouts in Australia the past few years. Here's a link to a short video except In uploading as I write (ready soon): These bankers manufacture 'currency' from thin air and lend it to governments through their Central Banks. They are heading for the Great Reset, where (I quote Davos / World Economic Forum) "You will own nothing and you will be happy". See Look it up, it's everywhere. Their endgame is to own everything and we own nothing. 

1) This is what prompted this article. "Good overcoming evil and mass awakening". Can you believe the 'good guys' will triumph over all evil, installing a new global regime that's entirely pure and trustworthy? My Bible indicates there will be no real peace until Jesus himself cones back to establish it. Have you noticed the same theme emerging in different religions and cultures? Do you know just how many politicians and experts are preparing the world to receive aliens, most by 2026? It's real. The aliens are of course fallen angels mind you. We're being convinced that good will finally triumph over evil. 

There's a construct called the Hegelian Dialectic where thesis faces off against antithesis, with the resultant synthesis being what was intended by the hidden hand that created the conflict in the first place. In other words, the shaking of opposing forces facilitates moving society where the elite want it to be.

Our world is being shaken in ways we haven't seen in many decades. The wars, economic instability and the immensely Luciferian agenda being pursued by the Roman Pontiff (Pope) and the Sanhedrin. It's designed to create so much conflict and fear that when the AntiChrist steps onto the scene, he will be hailed as a hero and be offered his earthly throne by the nations.

We know Yeshua ha Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah) will come in power and glory to claim the earth before Satan, who will come as Lucifer, bearer of light, is able to destroy humanity. See my next article regarding the Tribulation for more on this.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

The Ottomans are back and want Jerusalem!

In researching Turkey some months ago, I found the original of this document in French and pasted it onto Google Translate. Interestingly, it's a direct descendent of Ottoman Sultan Abdülhamid Kayıhan Osmanoğlu that's pushing this agenda for a renewed and powerful Ottoman Empire.

Here's the source and translation. Of course the YouTube videos I sources this from have been removed! I have references, but they lead nowhere.



venons perturber les jeux qui nous ont été joués pendant des siècles, protéger notre glorieuse histoire et établir un ordre dans lequel la justice et la justice prévalent partout dans le monde en suivant les traces de nos ancêtres.


A cette occasion, nous l'annonçons au monde entier d'ici et nous disons: Nous sommes des descendants Ottomans et l'Ottoman est de Retour.


Vous ne pourrez plus empêcher cette grande nation de se relever avec les agendas artificiels que vous avez créés pour nous tenir occupés, la propagande imaginaire, les jours et les nuits commémoratives que notre histoire et nos croyances n'acceptent pas.


On this occasion, we announce it to the whole world from here and we say: We are Ottoman descendants and the Ottoman is Back.


You will no longer be able to prevent this great nation from rising again with the artificial agendas you created to keep us occupied, the imaginary propaganda, the memorial days and nights that our history and our beliefs do not accept.


We are against celebrations reminiscent of the Byzantine. No Ottoman grandchild can celebrate the religious and national holidays of the Christian world which has the blood of our brothers in Syria, Iraq and Jerusalem, share their culture and the shameful acts of the New Year (celebrations),


December 31st is for us one of the turning points in our glorious history. December


I know their President Erdogan has previously claimed the Ottomans are on the rise, so this fits. He's played games with Syria, with smuggling oil out and selling it cheap, and other shadey deals (some with 'leaders' in USA, like the oil); so anything is possible. So much comes down to a war over resources! 

Turkey's economy is quite huge, and it's very important geo-politically. It's also incredibly diverse. Many are in a position of serfdom. Others are very, very rich and run companies that trade all over the world. Regarding international trade (and national security), there's been some conflict recently between Israel and Turkey as Israel is attempting to take a significant swathe of the Eastern Mediterranean under untested international law, using Greece as an ally. They have effectively created a corridor to Greece as an international laneway under their control, decimating and fragmenting Turkey's standing claim to territorial waters. Much of Israel's push is based on outlying Greek islands and trying to use them as stepping stones to build a 'valid' territorial claim. Israel is really pushing here, and Turkey is not happy! Here a video that explains the claim: And then, looking more widely, here's a video from STRATFOR:

Turkey has been developing its own jet fighter too. Now that would help if they wanted to invade Israel I imagine. See as a starting place for the jet fighter.

Only time will tell what happens here. It is on my mind though that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion, written before the first world war, correctly predicted the nature of the first two world wars and started the third one would be between Christians and Muslims; and I take that to mean political entities, particularly as that's what the Synagogue of Satan is trying to manipulate.



Sahara is greening as Grand Solar Minimum cools North; volcanoes erupting!

The Grand Solar Minimum was responsible for the Mini Ice Age in Europe. It's also responsible for the Sahara starting to green. Scientists who are looking at the phenomena expect 13,800,000 square km to green within ten years. I have heard ultra rich people are buying up in this region, which has massive underwater lakes and the remnant of huge surface lakes which are just starting to show and may re-fill.
The Grand Solar Minimum isn't just responsible for the cooling off the north, the danger of the Gulf Stream disappearing and the UK and Nordic lands freezing, and Arctic animals already appearing on Nordic shores. It's also responsible for earthquakes; which we are seeing a lot of. 

See Adapt 2030:

Volcanic activity in Iceland:

#GrandSolarMinimum #climatechange #volcanoes