Watching the emergence of the New World Order / Globalisat Cabal; collating and commenting on news and articles from a non-institutional Christian perspective. Watching the end-time new world take shape.
Monday, May 31, 2021
Telegram - replica channel
Signal or Session Messenger, and why?
Sunday, May 30, 2021
NASA: pale horse, red horse
Read more:
Douglas Murray: Why revolutionary ideas are taking root
Saturday, May 29, 2021
China's MASSIVE flood and FOOD BUYING; Congo's volcanic eruptions and emergency
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Zero interest rates & currency collapse
What you have to bear in mind is that governments don't own Central Banks; private bankers do. The Rothschild, Kuhn & Loeb families in Europe are central to this group. Governments borrow money from their Central Banking System. They're aim is of course to forment conditions that will help them acquire more wealth.
The fiat currency collapse spiral is basically per the following list (my version)...
1. Government borrows money from Central Bank to finance military, infrastructure etc.
2. Government has to pay interest and ends up borrowing more money to pay it
3. Government can't pay interest, so Central Bank lowers interest rate
4. Low interest rate causes stimulus, but not enough
5. Government gives stimulus payments to businesses
6. Government gives handouts to populace is desperation to stimulate spending. Inflation sets in more deeply
7. Interest rate goes near zero
8. Inflation takes off
9. Stocks, bonds, crypto-currencies etc start to collapse. Hyperinflation hits.
10. The fiat currency collapses, just like it did in Germany multiple times.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Canada Health Alliance re COVID-19
It's no longer available on their website, due to a server error. They use CloudFlare, a major Content Distribution Network; that wasn't a good move. Hopefully it gets resolved.
Sunday, May 16, 2021
UN Directors Block majority vote of Security Council
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
The Economist forecasts disruption for banks
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Fw: Is COVID a bioweapon? - Salk Institute report / ex Pfizer Chief Scientist / Russian Colonel
Dr. Mike Yeadon, formerly a Vice President and Chief Science Officer at Pfizer, believes a large scale experiment is now well under way, which may have terrible implications for the global population. See
You may have heard the CIA recently reported the result of an investigation: that COVID is artificial and a bio-weapon. Frankly, this is what I had been expecting. There are news reports and books starting to surface regarding this now. I have also heard an Australian general recently briefed our government regarding this in a similar vein, citing a traditional military and biological warfare threat from China.
Add to that, a Russian GRU Col. Vladimir Kvachkov Exposes Coronavirus Agenda:
We are living in momentous times. Hold on to YHWH!