Saturday, July 17, 2021

Higher death rate in Pfizer vaccinated people

Watch This Before You Consider Another Lockdown

Watch This Before You Consider Another Lockdown

This Is SO IMPORTANT. You Need To Check Out What Charlie Kirk Is Saying About The Tyrannical Lockdown Orders! #BigGovSucks

Official UK report - more COVID-19 deaths after vaccine

An official UK health report states there have been more deaths from COVID-19 after the COVID-19 vaccine than for those who are unvaccinated!

Friday, July 16, 2021


Please help businesses that are being crushed by lockdowns!

Monday, July 12, 2021

Branson's UNITY 22 Space Craft

It's interesting to watch science progress. It bears testament to what man is capable of...
        and yet man also can have an esoteric side to him too. 

The great inventor, Nokola Tesla, had a dark side and got his breakthroughs through spiritual means.

Jordy from DWave, the Quantum computer company, says they are "in touch with an ancient intelligence".

Elon Musk is (justifiably in my opinion) scared of AI. He knows there's a non-terrestrial intelligence behind the technology.

Sir Richard Branson has just lifted off into space in Unity22, his amazing space craft, borne inside the wings of a massive airplane platform to give it as much altitude as possible before engaging the rocket booster...
     and I wondered about the name.

UNITY is a concept many in the New Age believe will come when aliens call earth into the Galactic Federation. I have it from multiple sources, including some official channels, that alien disclosure is coming. They will appear to be benevolent, but are in fact malevolent, in truth being Fallen Angels (refer the books of Genesis, Revelation & Enoch). However, most of our world will be hoodwinked into believing they are friendly and here to facilitate the next stage of humankind's development: the onset of the Age Of Aquarius and membership among the Galactic Federation.

TWENTY TWO is an occult number. It's twice ELEVEN, and a DOUBLE TWO. Let's have an expert explain that from an occult perspective...


In numerology, the number 22 is a double Master Number and contains exceptional visionary qualities, as well as the practical, grounded impulse which comes from the number 4 (2 + 2 = 4). So when you see Angel Number 22, your Spirit Guides are encouraging you to lift your manifestational prowess up to the next level! 4 is also a traditionally “lucky number” associated with the Ascended Masters so the energetic support surrounding you at this time is positively supernatural!

It can be a really scary thing to make your mark on the world. To take that first, brave step out of the box, away from the comfort zones of ordinary, everyday life and actually DO that thing that will make your heart sing! BUT, without birthing of your desire, intention, idea, or dream out into the world,  the vibration of the double master number 22 (known in numerology as the master builder) can’t be fulfilled!

Your destiny risks diverting into realms OFF your path.

So if this number is showing up for you, it’s time to release your intention, externalize it and start nurturing its existence in the big wide world. Angel Number 22 is here to tell you to make that phone call, write that email and take the inspired action that will shape your desire into being!

Trust yourself, your instincts and the visions in your heart. Seeing Angel Number 22 is a truly powerful sign that it’s time to take your big idea and make it your reality!

The numbers are already pointing you in the right direction, so it’s time to dig a little deeper, and use their wisdom for the guidance you need."



So now you know why the space craft is called INITY 22. It's a salute to the spiritual beings and parts that have given Richard Branson his wealth; delivered the massive Virgin airlines into his hands and now Virgin Galactic.
I do wonder what the end will be for Branson. Will he need YHWH's voice and repent as things become clearer to him, or has he already in fact sold his soul.

Watch and be amazed at modern aeronautical science and rocket science. Don't forget though where some of the science comes from and where it's taking us!

Sunday, July 11, 2021

"COVID-19 is itself a consequence of environmental degradation"

Did you read that title? It's an excerpt from the following paragraph. What a load of bunkum! It is according to multiple sources what's coming though.

"COVID-19 is itself a consequence of environmental degradation: one recent study dubbed it “the disease of the Anthropocene.” Moreover, climate change will exacerbate the social and economic problems highlighted by the pandemic. These include...

NSW Police: "You don't need that pair of shoes today". A send up!

One of our freedom oriented community journalists having some fun with a police announcement "You don't need that pair of shoes today".

Friday, July 9, 2021

"If not now then when? "If not me and you... "

A great motivational song for the times we live in... 

"If not now then when? 
"If not me and you... "

Each of us has a calling. As Paul, then in jail because of his call to freedom from oppression in the carrier if Christ said:

"I therefore, the prisoner for the Lord, appeal to and beg you to walk (lead a life) worthy of the [divine] calling to which you have been called [with behavior that is a credit to the summons to God’s service" *

* AMPC, Ephesians 4:1 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021


Disclosure Coming

#disclosure #nephalim #aliens #fallenangels #NWO