Lynette Zhang, market strategist, thinks Trump is the Fall Guy. He'll induce inflation, strip rights and conditions, and cause a meltdown that leads to a market rat and ushering in of the global currency, which may be a block-chain system like BitCoin.
I agree. I believe, and have done Trump became visible as a presidential candidate, that Trump has been installed in order to supervise the downfall of the USA. To me, it's a case of Thesis, Antithesis & Synthesis.
# The Thesis is the status quo.
# The Antithesis is Trump wanting to dismantle the system
# The Synthesis is the resolution of these tensions, and will be exactly what the NWO wants. The Synthesis & Antithesis have be carefully planned in order to make the Synthesis look attractive ; but it southland have been attractive if the Thesis & Antithesis are not in place.
The likely Synthesis of the current tensions involving the USAs current regime will involve a currency reset, civil unrest, a tightening of security including probable militarisation of police and involvement of military forces storing their own countries to maintain civil order.