The are a lot of very serious videos about the earth and space out there, but this is the first time I've seen something funny and instructive. I hope you enjoy it.
Watching the emergence of the New World Order / Globalisat Cabal; collating and commenting on news and articles from a non-institutional Christian perspective. Watching the end-time new world take shape.
The are a lot of very serious videos about the earth and space out there, but this is the first time I've seen something funny and instructive. I hope you enjoy it.
Trump is turning the screws on Iran. The USA has even forced Iran into a place where their oil freighters are now shipping oil to China without insurance, which is an unheard of risk. Will Trump be able to topple the Theocracy in Tehran? Some say if he dies, he'll receive a Novel Peace Prize. What's the real picture here?
I think it's a Hegelian Dialectic. USA & Iran pushing and pulling; China walks in and provides the synthesis. All hail the New Silk Road, which pulls the East Asian countries which have been on the fringe of the NWO right into the core. It's not clear to me whether Trump will cause regime change in Iran, but one thing is for sure: without a significant problem and two sides arguing over it, there is no synthesis, no change, no progression toward a New World Order. This is what I watch for.
This guy describes the position of countries, what's happening in Brazil and what he thinks will occur going forward if Brazil invades Venezuela - as they have repeatedly claimed they will.
I've just told to the video mentioned after my comments (copied), because this is important subject matter.
What's in Antarctica? The WATCHERS are there. These are fallen angels. Pope Francis, Patriarch Krill and many other dignitaries beat a path down there quietly when called by them. John Kerry went down, seemingly uninvited, when Clinton was going to lose to ask for intervention. I hear they were displeased and ejected him forthwith.
These entities are evil. Hitler moved massive amounts of infrastructure, troops and supplies there to try and build his master race in quiet, starting before the end of WW2. There is ample evidence of this. I can provide some if you are interested.
The Bible would seem to indicate these evil entities will be revealed and very active in inciting mankind to bloodshed and pagan religion before the second coming of Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus the Christ). I can reference you to multiple authoritative authors on Antarctica, the Watchers, their plans for mankind as our planet goes into crisis: in environment, in war, in financial collapse and more. All this is increasingly on our doorstep. My blog is at Regards :-)
Marshall Billingslea is here addressing....
Billingslea seriously sounds like he's describing the United States of America and the global NWO interests that run it when talking about these countries! The hypocrisy is astounding!
What would cause this carefully delivered rant? What have countries like this done to attack the United States of America? How about dumping the US Dollar!
US financial hegemony was assured by their hard won command of the seas, as they rule the planet's oceans; plus the sounding feat of instituting the PETRO-DOLLAR, by which Saudi oil would only be sold in USD, in return for the US having military forces stationed their to protect the country. In retrospect, I almost think that if the surrounding nations had realised what the US was up to with that ploy, they might have gone to war with the Saudis and US in order to protect their independence.
Look at what the CIA has done in Ukraine!
First watch this to hear the rant, that sounds like a fair and compelling analysis that could pit your understanding at odds with these nations:
Then watch this one to help understand dune background on what's really going on with 'De-Dollarisation'. Understands the US dollar is soon to implode. See below fur sums discussion on this, but first watch this video:
You will also find articles in this blog regarding the New Silk Road and the World Island, explaining how massive amounts of trade are starting to flow right through China, the far eastern countries, Khazakstan, Russia and into the heart of Europe. This amazing transport corridor is being constructed at a furious pace, is already functioning and is growing capability even as we sleep. Also be aware that the US actually makes money from nations using THEIR OCEANS! THAT'S WHY THERE'S SUCH A DID ABOUT THE SOUTH CHINA SEA! It's not only about access, is about domination and reaping income from users! So mush for 'International Waters'!
In closing, the days of the US Dollar are very limited, China & Russia seem positioned to run world financial exchange in place of the IMF & International Bank of Settlements with the SWIFT system.
The countdown is on. The bomb under the US economy is ticking. Their debt is to high cut them to ever pay off. They only have two choices:
1. Go through financial collapse, hopefully being brave to true the yoke of the Federal Reserve System off their back!
2. Go to war to secure their interests, protect the Petro-dollar by attacking nations that want to abandon it. HOWEVER Russia, China and the BRICS countries and associates have had enough of the US dictating to them, and are ready to protect their right to adopt a more independent and honest system (which takes less from participating countries, and delivers more).
See also my posts on: “Fascinating insight into 'Russian Ties' and the New Silk Road reality’:
Here also is my article on a video from my dear friend Steven Ben Noon, which I've titled “A bit of USA/RU/CN global political balance!”:
After that, go digging in my blog for other articles about the New Silk Road and US Dollar. Tip: an easy search in Google is the syntax to focus on a specific site (or HLQ) with search terms.
For example
“New Silk Road”.
Happy reading. Pray that ‘Yeshua Ha Mashiach’ (Jesus the Christ) will give you understanding and wisdom as you comprehend the realities of our world! Never let yourself fact in fear; despite appearances, the enemy of our souls is on a short leash. We are privileged to watch the two great mysterious of human history coming to their conclusion:
1. The Mystery of Godliness
2. The Mystery of Iniquity
Steve Barnes.
Washington, D.C. – Contained within WikiLeaks’ recent release of hacked DNC emails is a message from billionaire globalist financier George Soros, to Hillary Clinton while she was U.S. Secretary of State, that clearly reveals Clinton as a puppet of the billionaire class.
Found within the WikiLeaks’ Hillary Clinton email archive is an email with the subject ‘Unrest in Albania,’ in which Soros makes clear to Clinton that “two things need to be done urgently.” He then directs the Secretary of State to “bring the full weight of the international community to bear on Prime Minister Berisha” and “appoint a senior European official as mediator.” Revealing the influence he wields within the corridors of power, Soros then provides Secretary of State Clinton with three names from which to choose. Unsurprisingly, Clinton acquiesced and chose one of the officials recommended by Soros — Miroslav Lajcak.
This is standard operating procedure for Soros. Anyone familiar with the history of the Soros Open Society Foundations in Eastern Europe and around the world since the late 1980’s, will know that his supposedly philanthropic “democracy-building” projects in Poland, Russia, or Ukraine in the 1990’s allowed Soros the businessman to literally plunder the former communist countries wealth, according to the New Eastern Outlook.
Soros-affiliated organizations are deeply connected to numerous color revolutions, the Arab Spring, and a number of other uprisings across the world. They have been intimately involved in the coup that took place in Ukraine, and subsequent ratcheting up of Cold War tensions with Russia.
In this particular instance, puppet master Soros instructs the U.S. Secretary of State that “the U.S. and European Union must work in complete harmony over this,” exposing how far his influence in international relations extends.
With the recent revelations about the pay for play scheme between the Clinton Foundation, numerous donors, and the State Department on display in the latest release of Clinton emails by the Judicial Watch organization, it has become exceedingly apparent that the U.S. policy under Clinton is variable depending upon whether you have contributed to the Clinton Foundation.
Tellingly, Soros has committed $25 million dollars to the 2016 presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, which, per standard Clinton operating procedure, is indicative of the symbiotic relationship of favors between the billionaire and his political puppets.
Read more at:
"Pakistan is the biggest recipient of British Financial Aid", says Lord David Alton; but they are persecuting and killing Christians. (link to page with audio interview below).
Have you seen the militant Muslims protesting the release of a Christian woman jailed for blasphemy after being persecuted by radical Muslims?
Bibi's case stemmed from a simple act among poor farmhands in rural Pakistan. Bibi was asked to get water while harvesting fruit in a field. Muslim women working with Bibi complained when she dipped her cup into the water bucket, saying a non-Muslim was unclean. (ref
Maybe the only was to stop it eventually happening here is for the international community to help stamp it out wherever this injustice exists.
LORD David Alton:
“And commenting on the amount on the aid Britain gives to Pakistan, he said: "It is incumbent on us to demand what is being done using our money to prevent the sources of hatred that lead to the persecution of these minorities.”
Here's a press release from Wilson Chowdry, who resides in the UK and works for British Pakistani Christians.
BREAKING NEWS: Asia Bibi is to be freed!
Keri Gibbs
Asia Bibi is free! Chief Justice Saqib Nasir has given the order to release her as soon as possible and she has been found not guilty of all charges of blasphemy.
The Chief Justice is reported to have said:
"Her conviction is set aside and she is to be relieved forthwith."
The portions of the 56 page verdict written by Chief Justice highlighting the importance of the presumption of innocence until proven guilty and were released in DAWN and read as follows:
"It is a well settled principle of law that one who makes an assertion has to prove it. Thus, the onus rests on the prosecution to prove guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt throughout the trial...
"Presumption of innocence remains throughout the case until such time the prosecution on the evidence satisfies the court beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of the offence alleged against him.
"[...] The expression 'proof beyond reasonable doubt' is of fundamental importance to the criminal justice: it is one of the principles which seeks to ensure that no innocent person is convicted.
"Keeping in mind the evidence produced by the prosecution against the alleged blasphemy committed by the appellant, the prosecution has categorically failed to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt."
There was some indication of these considerations in the arguments on appeal, when the Chief Justice while emphasizing the seriousness of committing blasphemy, said:
“[Not only] our laws but the fundamentals of our religion also place strict standards of proof to prove the crime”.
Early morning in Pakistan messages were going out across nation as Pakistan's Supreme Court prepared to render their final verdict on Asia Bibi's case. To read more about the lead up to the verdict (click here)
Christians and Christian institutions have been warned with alerts to be careful due to the high risk of revenge attacks. Christians have been bracing themselves for expected violence following the verdict.
The head of Tehreek Labaik has released a special video in which he is telling his party faithful to get ready for anything if the decision is favour of Asia Bibi. In a previous rally following the delay of judgement he uttered death threats against the authorities and directed his followers to revolt by staging protests without direction from the central party.
Protests have already started as a result of Asia Bibi's not guilty verdict. Islamabad has been blocked off by protesters shouting slogans and the police are on standby.
A perimeter has been formed by law enforcement around sensitive targets and important government buildings.
The Government of Pakistan has had mobile phones registered in a special campaign over the past month and could possibly cut off mobile service. A few weeks ago we also heard reports of military exercises taking place, perhaps in an effort to prepare for possible backlash to the verdict.
Christians are understandably concerned about their well being and that of their communities with mobs of people forming, but they are overjoyed at the news.
Our BPCA Leader Officer in Pakistan, Mehwish Bhatti said:
"We are so happy and thankful to God for this big day! All glory goes to Him. The decision was tough; God has strengthened the resolve of the Justices and has made it possible. I pray for the peace of minorities, let God be their guardian."
Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association, said:
"Asia Bibi has endured almost tent yesr of brutal incarceration in isolation. The world has watcehd her suffer but today thanks to the grace of God today the world rejoices.
"Her freedom can hardly be called justice and nothing will ever compenstae her for her lost years.
"For now we can only pray that she is given the counselling and support she needs to recover and restore her place in society - this will of course be in a nation far away from Pakistan where it is untenable for her to remain."
He added:
"Pakistan is increasingly exhibiting an intolerance to non-Muslims that has to be tackled by it's government.
"That extremists can indce riots and bring the country to a standstill is bewildering.
"We call on the Government of Pakistan to assure Christians their safety during these tumultous times, moreover we call for people to pray for a restoration of peace in a nation that is riven by fundamentalism."
Please also sign our petition that we might challenge for the whole of Asia Bibi's family to have a joint asylum, preventing her being split from any of her immediate family again (click here)
BPCA has been asked to help with raising £25,000 to aid in the security and evacuation of Asia Bibi and her family from Pakistan following the verdict. To donate to this appeal please (donate here) and mark your donation ASIA BIBI
British government "living in a fantasy world" over Pakistani Christian persecution
Wed 24 Feb 2016
By Aaron James
A peer has said the British government is "living in a fantasy world" if it doesn't think Pakistani Christians face outright persecution in their own country.
Lord David Alton was speaking at the launch of an All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) report he was apart of, which is urgently calling on the UK to formally recognise that all Christians in the country, as well other minorities, face "a real risk of persecution".
Current legal guidance used by the Home Office does not currently acknowledge all believers in Pakistan as facing this level of threat because of their faith in Christ.
Under Pakistan's blasphemy laws, a person can be sentenced to death for insulting the Prophet Muhammad. The laws are often used to target Christians.
If Britain was to change it's default stance, it could lead to greater pressure being put on Pakistani authorities to change the country's blasphemy laws and better protect minorities.
It could also lead to more suffering Pakistani Christians being granted asylum, and for those processes to be handled more quickly.
The report also urges the UK government to make sure aid money it gives to Pakistan does not accidentally fuel Christian persecution, by going to organisations which do not respect freedom of religion - something enshrined in Pakistan's constitution.
According to Lord Alton, Pakistan is the biggest recipient of British bilateral aid in the world, receiving more than £1bn from the United Kingdom in the last two years.
In an exclusive interview with Premier at the report's launch in the House of Lords, he told us: "The UK government is living in a fantasy world if they don't think that there is outright persecution in Pakistan.
"Tell that to the children who watched the mob of 1200 people burn their parents alive in a kiln. Tell that to the Anglicans who were worshipping in their church in Peshawar, over a hundred of whom were murdered in a bombing. Tell it to the family of the Catholic Minister for Minorities Shahbaz Bhatti who was assasinated on the streets and still no one brought to justice."
The APPG report came after Lord Alton visited hundreds of Pakistani Christians detained in Thailand, who were waiting to see if they'd be granted asylum.
Thousands were being kept in Bangkok. At the detention centre Lord Alton visited, hundreds shared individual rooms and took it in turns to sleep on the floor because there wasn't enough space.
The Group then began formally investigating the plight of believers both inside and outside of Pakistan.
Referring to his conversations with them, Lord Alton told Premier: "People told me about how their homes had been burnt down, their churches had been bombed, people had been raped.
"We heard stories of forced conversion. It was a litany of horror."
And commenting on the amount on the aid Britain gives to Pakistan, he said: "It is incumbent on us to demand what is being done using our money to prevent the sources of hatred that lead to the persecution of these minorities.
"I wouldn't go as far as to say it's aiding and abetting outright persecution, but I would certainly say it is doing nothing to stop it."
Listen to Premier's Aaron James speaking to Lord David Alton in the House of Lords at the bottom of the source article:
And just to show how dangerous it is for non-Muslim girls, particularly Christians…
Pakistan: "Christian Girls Are Only Meant for the Pleasure of Muslim Men"
by Raymond Ibrahim
January 25, 2016 at 4:00 am
"Around 700 Christian women in Pakistan are abducted, raped and forced into Islamic marriage every year – that figure is almost two a day and the world does nothing." — Wilson Chowdhry, human rights activist, citing the Muslim non-governmental organization, "Movement of Solidarity and Peace."
"Christian girls are considered goods to be damaged at leisure. Abusing them is a right. According to the community's mentality it is not even a crime. Muslims regard them as spoils of war." — Local residents, Pakistan.
Three Christian girls in Pakistan, who rejected the advances of some wealthy Muslim young men, were recently mauled by them. One of the girls died.
The London-born Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association (BPCA) and human rights activist, Wilson Chowdhry, who broke the story, reported that one of the men had said: "Christian girls are only meant for one thing, the [sexual] pleasure of Muslim men."
The incident occurred on January 13 in Lahore. The three girls—aged 17, 18, and 20—were walking home after a hard day's work. Four Muslim youths in a vehicle followed the girls and accosted them. The men "misbehaved," yelled "suggestive and lewd comments," and harassed the girls to get in their car for "a ride and some fun."
The girls declined the "invitation," and added that they were "devout Christians and did not practice sex outside of marriage."
This caused an immediate change in the demeanour of the boys who became more aggressive and started to threaten the girls to enter the car or to be physically forced in. Terrified of the increasingly dangerous situation they were in the girls started to run in a fit of panic. This only enraged the young Muslim men further, one of them shouted out at the girls, he said: "How dare you run away from us, Christian girls are only meant for one thing, the pleasure of Muslim men."
The Muslim men chased the girls and ran the car into them. Two girls fell to the ground; one's hip was broken, the other's ribs were shattered. The youngest, Kiran Masih, aged 17, flew up in the air and crashed into the speeding car's windshield. The Muslims, laughing and with the girl on the windshield, accelerated. Then the driver apparently slammed on the brakes, hard. The force of the stop catapulted the girl into the air. She then crashed to the ground, cracking her skull open and smashing her bones. Within minutes she was dead.
As usual, Pakistani police are reportedly "doing little to apprehend the young men and are allegedly delaying the investigative process." Chowdhry said:
In any other nation [than Pakistan] the perpetrators would be arrested, convicted for murder and sentenced for a long term.... Violence against Christians is rarely investigated and highly unlikely to be met with justice.... Women have a low status in Pakistan, but none more so than Christian women who find themselves under the grip or terror, especially after this attack. Muslim NGO "Movement of Solidarity and Peace" state[s] that around 700 Christian women in Pakistan are abducted, raped and forced into Islamic marriage every year – that figure is almost two a day and the world does nothing.
Accounts like this -- including the claim that it is a Muslim man's right to rape Christians and other "infidels" -- are common in Pakistan.
A Muslim rapist, while attacking a 9-year-old Christian girl in Pakistan, her told her "not to worry because he had done the same service to other young Christian girls."
Local residents, discussing the man's remark to his 9-year-old rape victim, said: "It is shameful. Such incidents occur frequently. Christian girls are considered goods to be damaged at leisure. Abusing them is a right. According to the community's mentality it is not even a crime. Muslims regard them as spoils of war."
The Islamic concept of "spoils" is explained by one of the world's leading authorities on Islamic law and jurisprudence, the late Majid Khadduri, in War and Peace in the Law of Islam:
The term spoil (ghanima) is applied specifically to property acquired by force from non-Muslims. It includes, however, not only property (movable and immovable) but also persons, whether in the capacity of asra (prisoners of war) or sabi (women and children). ... If the slave were a woman, the master was permitted to have sexual connection with her as a concubine.
Even in Western nations, Muslims from Pakistan believe it is their right to rape and sexually abuse "infidel" women – or even Muslim women if they are out at night unaccompanied or not wearing a veil. Of course a veiled woman might also be attacked, but then the rape would be the same as for a non-Muslim rapist -- he wants what he wants and that's that. But if she is a Muslim out on her own, he can rationalize away or justify the rape as "his right" since she is acting like an infidel, so supposedly deserves what she gets. This author knows of no instance where a Muslim man targeted a Muslim woman because he thinks it is his "right."
In Britain in 2012, nine Muslim men—eight from Pakistan—were convicted of rape and sexual exploitation of children in Britain. And just as Christians and other "infidels" in Pakistan are told before they are raped, the men regularly "told their victims that it was all right for them to be passed around for sex with dozens of men 'because it's what we do in our country.'"
Today, as Muslims spread into the West, what they do to "infidel" women in their adopted countries is increasingly what they do to "infidel" women in their home countries—as thousands of women in Cologne and other cities recently found out.
Raymond Ibrahim, author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War in Christians (a Gatestone Publication, published by Regnery, April 2013), is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and Judith Friedman Rosen Writing Fellow at the Middle East Forum
Have you seen the militant Muslims protesting the release of a Christian woman jailed for blasphemy after being advised by radical Muslims?
Bibi's case stemmed from a simple act among poor farmhands in rural Pakistan. Bibi was asked to get water while harvesting fruit in a field. Muslim women working with Bibi complained when she dipped her cup into the water bucket, saying a non-Muslim was unclean. (ref
Maybe the only was to stop it eventually happening here is for the international community to help stamp it out wherever this injustice exists.
excerpt… 10/16/2018 Pakistan (International Christian Concern) - Thousands of religious extremists in Pakistan took to the streets in Lahore on October 12 to demand Asia Bibi, a Christian woman currently on death row for committing blasphemy, be executed. The extremists went on to threaten the Supreme Court...
Pakistan's highest court on Wednesday ordered the release of a poor, illiterate Christian woman who had been sentenced to death for blasphemy, setting off a wave of demonstrations by hard-line Islamists nationwide but drawing praise from human rights activists.
The Supreme Court overturned the conviction against Asia Bibi, accused in 2009 of insulting the Prophet Muhammad in a case that sparked violent protests in the overwhelmingly Muslim nation of 200 million people. Two Pakistani government officials were murdered in 2011 in crimes linked to their support of Bibi.
Christianity Today (says we should pay for peace and for the Muslims). Fur some is reason, the page is not rendering at HACKED? COULD WELL BE. I've had a Christian clients website hacked a few times by Muslim fundamentalists who left violent slogans all over it.
Isn't it about time the international community turned up the pressure on these behaviours! Free speech should always be allowed, but persecuting innocents, violent mobs assassinations surely deserve or attention and SHARING with friends to help bring about and end to this.
7 year old report from when she was jailed:
‘Hardliners March as Pakistan overturns Asia Bibi death sentence’:
‘Protests in Islamabad after Christian woman acquired of blasphemy case’