Thursday, March 25, 2021

The Ottomans are back and want Jerusalem!

In researching Turkey some months ago, I found the original of this document in French and pasted it onto Google Translate. Interestingly, it's a direct descendent of Ottoman Sultan Abdülhamid Kayıhan Osmanoğlu that's pushing this agenda for a renewed and powerful Ottoman Empire.

Here's the source and translation. Of course the YouTube videos I sources this from have been removed! I have references, but they lead nowhere.



venons perturber les jeux qui nous ont été joués pendant des siècles, protéger notre glorieuse histoire et établir un ordre dans lequel la justice et la justice prévalent partout dans le monde en suivant les traces de nos ancêtres.


A cette occasion, nous l'annonçons au monde entier d'ici et nous disons: Nous sommes des descendants Ottomans et l'Ottoman est de Retour.


Vous ne pourrez plus empêcher cette grande nation de se relever avec les agendas artificiels que vous avez créés pour nous tenir occupés, la propagande imaginaire, les jours et les nuits commémoratives que notre histoire et nos croyances n'acceptent pas.


On this occasion, we announce it to the whole world from here and we say: We are Ottoman descendants and the Ottoman is Back.


You will no longer be able to prevent this great nation from rising again with the artificial agendas you created to keep us occupied, the imaginary propaganda, the memorial days and nights that our history and our beliefs do not accept.


We are against celebrations reminiscent of the Byzantine. No Ottoman grandchild can celebrate the religious and national holidays of the Christian world which has the blood of our brothers in Syria, Iraq and Jerusalem, share their culture and the shameful acts of the New Year (celebrations),


December 31st is for us one of the turning points in our glorious history. December


I know their President Erdogan has previously claimed the Ottomans are on the rise, so this fits. He's played games with Syria, with smuggling oil out and selling it cheap, and other shadey deals (some with 'leaders' in USA, like the oil); so anything is possible. So much comes down to a war over resources! 

Turkey's economy is quite huge, and it's very important geo-politically. It's also incredibly diverse. Many are in a position of serfdom. Others are very, very rich and run companies that trade all over the world. Regarding international trade (and national security), there's been some conflict recently between Israel and Turkey as Israel is attempting to take a significant swathe of the Eastern Mediterranean under untested international law, using Greece as an ally. They have effectively created a corridor to Greece as an international laneway under their control, decimating and fragmenting Turkey's standing claim to territorial waters. Much of Israel's push is based on outlying Greek islands and trying to use them as stepping stones to build a 'valid' territorial claim. Israel is really pushing here, and Turkey is not happy! Here a video that explains the claim: And then, looking more widely, here's a video from STRATFOR:

Turkey has been developing its own jet fighter too. Now that would help if they wanted to invade Israel I imagine. See as a starting place for the jet fighter.

Only time will tell what happens here. It is on my mind though that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion, written before the first world war, correctly predicted the nature of the first two world wars and started the third one would be between Christians and Muslims; and I take that to mean political entities, particularly as that's what the Synagogue of Satan is trying to manipulate.



Sahara is greening as Grand Solar Minimum cools North; volcanoes erupting!

The Grand Solar Minimum was responsible for the Mini Ice Age in Europe. It's also responsible for the Sahara starting to green. Scientists who are looking at the phenomena expect 13,800,000 square km to green within ten years. I have heard ultra rich people are buying up in this region, which has massive underwater lakes and the remnant of huge surface lakes which are just starting to show and may re-fill.
The Grand Solar Minimum isn't just responsible for the cooling off the north, the danger of the Gulf Stream disappearing and the UK and Nordic lands freezing, and Arctic animals already appearing on Nordic shores. It's also responsible for earthquakes; which we are seeing a lot of. 

See Adapt 2030:

Volcanic activity in Iceland:

#GrandSolarMinimum #climatechange #volcanoes

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

First Lady of Florida hand signalling in speech

Do you ever watch a video and see someone talking naturally and expressively with their hands and think they couldn't talk without them? I know some people like that. "It's this big!" with arms stretched out. Then there are those who don't use their arms or hands at all. Then there are those that have routine usage patterns with their hands.

Why would someone use different hand gestures in a speech to normal life? It's it nervousness? Is it not knowing what to do or coaching? How do we interpret what seems to be consistent use of hands that seems to constitute a regularity, perhaps even a 'language'.

I've just watch this video with the First Lady of Florida announcing some initiatives. Have a each for a minute, then come back...

Did you notice a few things about her hands?
a) the OWL - first finger and thumb joined on a loop and remaining fingers splayed

Did you notice these gestures were employed at moments of impact, when she's starting an announcement?

These are Illuminati hand signals.

I know Florida is very proud of their culture, their society and a degree of independence, but this speech sadly makes me suspect there are influences at the top in politics that have connections in the NWO. Time will doubtless tell, but I also suspect given she's talking about opiate overuse and mental health that you'd have to look at things case by case to really know what goes on in this area.

So we're talking drug abuse and mental health, and she says they are linked. She's mentions opiates.  The 'opiod crisis' through legitimate health care is being blown out of proportion as far as social impact is concerned; for many there is no real alternative, and until Ketamine treatment is widely available to help significantly reduce nervous system sensitivity. In my opinion, it's being used to create social tension.

There are massive numbers of children go missing in the USA each year, and many are alienated from their families and involved in state care. The issue is largely buried. Now we're facing the state asking children to report their parents for various matters - there is an element of that in this speech too.

Lastly, we're talking about leaving people in the community as much as possible because the Bad Guys belong in jail. Isn't much of the penal system meant to be about rehabilitation? Mind you, the USA has the largest incarcination rate in the world. It's overloaded. Of course the new President, Joe Biden, is talking about significant releases of criminals into the community. That's a worry if they are not rehabilitated.

Will we see then any evidence of whether the First Lady was signalling? Possibly not on this occasion. I would however be watching her and her husband very closely as they make speeches, for consistent use of Illuminati hand signals indicates a definite agenda that is not in the people's interest, no matter how popular their stylists, speech writers and the media make them.

Sunday, March 7, 2021


Have you ever heard of such waste, complicity and lack of backbone to recover endless million of dollars? The general concerned of course now works with the contractor that wasn't persecuted. The 'assets' lost 99.9 percent of their value, being sold as SCRAP METAL!

We as Australians must hold our politicians and government agencies accountable for screw-ups like this. Sometimes they are not screw-ups, but rather they are a get rich quick scams run by people who are confident they will never be prosecuted. 

I live in Victoria, Australia. There is no way we Aussies should let our money go into such a pit (or tunnel for a bit of local context) as this without pressing as many buttons as possible to get transparency and accountability happening.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Pfizer bullies countries for assets to secure vaccine

“Pfizer misbehaved with Argentina. Its intolerance with us was tremendous” – Ginés González Garcia, former minister of health"

It seems there are multiple reports of Pfizer bullying countries into ceding military bases, federal reserve resources and sovereign assets in order to secure their vaccine.

Having looked for veracity of these claims, I have found the most cited resource to be

The Australian National Review chief an Indian report on this matter:

Here's the report Brighteon, an uncensored social media platform: on

Given the background of most chemical and many vaccine companies, is not surprising to find this kind of behaviour occurring. Pfizer want power. The big question is who will weild this power from behind the scenes? If the power has been coerced, the intent surely cannot be good. 

So my parting questions are:
1. Who is behind Pfizer?
2. Why the lust for power and resources?
3. What will these be used for?
4. What is the underlying agenda?

There's too much history with companies like Pfizer not to think there an agenda. Time will tell. As for me, I'm not anti-vax, but I won't trust them in general.

Surprised? A Jesuit panel sees ‘Tremendous Overlap’ Between Joe Biden and Vatican


Panelists at Jesuit-run Georgetown University converged Friday in the common belief that a Biden administration will see eye-to-eye on many issues with the Vatican of Pope Francis.

“There’s great opportunity for overlap there,” said the director of Georgetown’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, Shaun Casey, in an online webinar, “And I really do think the Vatican wants to get down to business and I am confident that our new president-to-be — the Roman Catholic Joe Biden — is eager to find ways to collaborate together.”

“There’s reason for great hope and great progress here despite the fact that he is a pro-life [sic] Catholic,” Mr. Casey said in reference to Biden with an evident slip of the tongue. “That will never be transcended in the relationship. It’s just a fact and there’s going to be noise and there will be implications of that over the length of Biden’s term.”

“However, when you look at the foreign policy priorities of the impending American administration, and that of the papacy of Francis, there is a tremendous overlap between their priorities,” he said, enumerating “climate change, rebuilding global refugee resettlement networks, seeking Middle East peace, combatting anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, confronting global populist movements all around the planet, and reducing nuclear arms.”

Casey also praised the Vatican for its controversial 2018 agreement with China on the naming of bishops, pointing to it as an example of successful diplomacy that the United States could learn from.

“Whatever that agreement contains or doesn’t contain, the Vatican diplomatic corps are really one of the few among the 200 or so sovereign states that can say they have been in modestly successful long-term negotiations with the Chinese,” he said.

Casey also said that U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had missed an opportunity by criticizing the deal.

“If I were secretary of state, I would have said, ‘I know you can’t tell us the details, we don’t want to know the details, but can you give us any clues, any hints, any insights in how to engage China on a diplomatic basis?’”

“The Trump administration’s diplomacy with China is a mess,” Casey said. “We have receded in the last four years and they seem to be clueless and here you have a sovereign state, tiny though it may be, that actually has some defensible success in engaging them.”

“They’ve done what nobody else seems to be able to do,” he said.

Journalist Josh McElwee, Vatican correspondent for the progressive National Catholic Reporter, substantially agreed with Casey, suggesting that there will be significantly greater understanding between the Vatican and the U.S. under a Biden presidency.

“I think going forward, this could be an area where we see a big difference between Trump and Biden’s engagement with the Vatican,” McElwee said. “Biden’s future ambassador will be able to speak more to the pope’s core diplomatic concerns, things like climate change, strengthening international institutions like the U.N. or the E.U., the continuing migration crisis, arms control, and other issues.”

“I think for Catholics the wild card might be the U.S. bishops’ conference,” McElwee cautioned. “There is a small minority of U.S. bishops who have been increasingly open about being critical about Pope Francis and they may protest if the Vatican is working too closely with the Biden administration or isn’t critiquing Biden on his stance on legalized abortion.”

Jesuit Father Drew Christiansen, Georgetown professor of ethics and human development, also praised the pope’s diplomatic relations with China.

One thing that makes China open to Francis is that “the Catholic Church understands that they are a distinctive culture and has honored that,” Father Christiansen said. “I think a great respect for the culture is a way to build up the relationship.”

Just last week, Pope Francis chose Joe Biden’s slogan “build back better” to describe his vision for the great reset after the coronavirus pandemic, saying he finds the expression “quite striking.”

source article: