We have only a handful of days left in 2016. I'm up late at night and felt prompted to look at Jewish high days left in this calendar year. It's 30th December, so there's only hours left. This video puts forth a perspective based on the Bible, on Jewish holy days and on available news of global political leadership.
I'm not saying this video is 100% right. I am saying it's very interesting. We live in interesting times. Be prepared for sudden events to overtake us, and have some food (rice, lentils) and cash on hand. But above all, make sure you know Jesus as your Lord: not as your push button vending machine and master of exciting worship.
Following through briefly on finances, although there's been a stream of warnings from The Daily Reckoning...
The Aussie dollar has collapsed since 2011.
From a high of US$1.10, the dollar plunged to a six-year low of 69 US cents in August last year.
That’s a 45% drubbing.
Sure, we’ve had some respite this year. The Aussie dollar has climbed back above 70 US cents. But as Daily Reckoning editor Greg Canavan points out, the dollar is about to hit a wall.
Greg predicts the dollar could fall through the 60 cent level and plummet as low as 50 cents in 2017.
So how does a falling Aussie dollar affect you? If the political landscape changes immensely, if the Pope leaves leading the Roman Catholic Church to work hand in hand with Obama, if we get more servers rather events and maybe wars, what space will your head be in? Do you know the one who can wash away fear and save the soul?
If you don't know him, he's commonly known as Jesus Christ, but perhaps more accurately as Yashua Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah).