England 2016. The future is here.
Parking Officers were some months ago re-titled 'Civil Enforcement Officers' and being groomed as police. Private Security Officers have recently also between made "Accredited Persons" so they can take on a police role.
Why? Because war is coming. The Brits are planning for it now. How do the Brits know? Because it's been planned.
War has been planned!
Do you sometimes wonder with all the posturing and pontificating amongst world leaders, if there's something going on that we're just not going to hear about until it hits us?
Norman Dodds (one if a team of government investigators) investigated the 'Carnegie Endowment for International Peace', one of a plethora of not for profit institutions given to by the ultra wealthy and influential in the USA. He uncovered minutes of meetings back to early 1900s saying they planned to change American society using war. They instructed then president Woodrow Wilson to engage in the war and stay engaged until the social structure of the USA was indelibly changed, which it did.
World 2016. War is imminent.
We are at the same point again. Powers that be have planned another major war. It was in fact planned before the first and second world wars with a specific objective in mind. This time it's the war to end all wars, and yes, we've heard that before; but this is genuinely planned to be so. The first war was about removal of sovereignty. The second was to establish communism as a threat to Western democracy. The third has a flash point in the Middle East, reportedly Israel, and I've heard (said to be in the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion) pits Muslims against Western nations. This war is set to escalate onto a global conflict involving Europe, Russia, China, USA, England and the Commonwealth and if course Israel and the nation's of the Middle East. Pundits say we have witnessed the commencement of World War III already, and it will escalate from here on in.
The Goal is World Government
The goal of this war is to establish global government, removing national military forces and making all countries comply with a the Global Parliament I've recently written about. The mechanisms of global government are here. They've even had 'Provisional' sittings of the Global Parliament to get the workings good and ready (see http://watching-the-new-world-take-order.blogspot.com.au/2016/04/move-over-united-nations-world.html?m=1).
The only safe haven
The global elite are reportedly already in their safe places. For some, this means massive underground bunkers. I've Sweden a TV special about a bunker manufacturer and his luxurious and safe from the outside environment that's bunkers are, and it's amazing! Others are flying to a small group of countries said to be a safe haven. This definitely includes New Zealand and Australia. I think a few South Pacific nations are also on the list, as is South Africa. Why? Because we're on the southern hemisphere. Or half of the globe has much more water and less population. We are also largely insulated from any atmospheric fallout from incidents in three northern hemisphere as the hemispheres basically recycle their own air, with very little northern hemisphere air permeating to the southern hemisphere. That's good if nasty bombs are going off up north.
Do I feel safe?
Given I'm in Brisbane, Australia, I'm geographically removed from most of the world's trouble spots. If war erupts, it's possessible we'll see some direct conflict in northern Australia and just possibly down the Eastern Seaboard (Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne). Darwin (Northern Territory) was bombed in WWII. Japanese subs came down as far as Brisbane on WWII too. So we're relatively safe, but not immune. However if the world teaching system collapses, we will see high unemployment and civil unrest here. They may role out police onto the streets. Government may already have our increasingly combat ready police trained up for more conflict, and times like the parking officer in England ready for civil unrest.
Again, Do I feel safe?
Not really. If this major war goes ahead, I believe it silk affect almost everyone, even in 'safe countries' adversely. My consolation is knowing the Hebrew scriptures prophesied much of what's going on when right now in the Middle East. Those same scriptures talk of Yehovah's love and care for his own. I'm not that much into church, but I sure am into the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the promised saviour 'Yeshua Mashiach' (which most Western Christians call Jesus Christ). I know my destiny. I'm able to pray and find shelter and rest for my soul in him. If you don't have that same assurance, it's time you picked up a Bible and asked him directly to meet with you. It will change your life. You will never be the same again.
Here's a video talking about what's happening in England and also the world wars: https://youtu.be/4a7b4LeCNq0
By the way, these only relatively safe place I'm aware of in the northern hemisphere is Iceland. They have however tightened up heaps on immigration. They've tossed out corrupt global bankers and sent some residents back to countries of origin for being trouble makers. Iceland is socially very safe. It's aware of and careful in dealings with the NWO, it's geographically removed from Europe and it's a beautiful place. If you feel there nerf to moves you're family and Iceland gives you the cold shoulder, you could try New Zealand add their immigration seems easier to tackle than ours!