The North American Union (NAU) was planned as early as 1946. It was part of a deliberate plan to create ten regions on the world, under the United Nations.
Donald Trump is standing against plans for the NAU, planning to wind back what previous presidents have accomplished for the NAU. He even said he wants to build a wall between USA and Mexico.
I found myself pondering this afternoon what would happen to the balance of religion should the borders fully open. After doing a little checking with decent sources, I have the following figures:
Population aprox 36,258,000
Catholic 40.6% (includes Roman Catholic 38.8%, Orthodox 1.6%, other Catholic .2%),
Protestant 20.3% (includes United Church 6.1%, Anglican 5%, Baptist 1.9%, Lutheran 1.5%, Pentecostal 1.5%, Presbyterian 1.4%, other Protestant 2.9%),
other Christian 6.3%,
Muslim 3.2% etc...
United States
Population aprox 323,927,500.
Protestant 51.3%, Roman Catholic 23.9%, Mormon 1.7%, other Christian 1.6%, Jewish 1.7%, Buddhist 0.7%, Muslim 0.6%
Population aprox 128,500,000
Roman Catholic 82.7%, Pentecostal 1.6%, Jehovah's Witnesses 1.4%, other Evangelical Churches 5%
Canada having twice as many Catholics (40%) as Protestants (20%) means it is likely to be a strongly Catholic influence in a merged entity.
Mexico is of course mega-Catholic. Over 80%!
USA: Bastion of Protestantism
The USA was a devoutly protestant nation. The pilgrims escaped persecution by the Roman Pope and his minions. Early fathers valued religious freedom and gave others individual freedom to worship as they saw fit.
Roman Church: Master of Souls
The Roman Church though, rules with a heavy hand. In some parts of Europe, it still takes tithes directly from your employer for you to remain part of the congregation and not be ex-communicated. And be part of a congregation you will; if you want to enter heaven. For to be ex-communicated is to miss the eucharist; which is to miss the trans-substantiated Body Of Christ and therefore put your eternal soul in jeopardy.
To the Roman Catholic, forgiveness is not by faith as Martin Luther taught, but from the hand of the Roman Catholic hierarchy, who have the power to shut heaven's gate to the sinner who doesn't receive forgiveness through them. This in fact happened to the English aristocracy when they strayed under (evil) King John in medieval times. The Roman Pope bade his friars to close the doors to the churches in order to bring the aristocracy intimate line. This caused panic, for that immediately created for their eternal souls and towed the line. To see how far Papal power extended (as it does still), read up on the Treaty Of Verona (1213 A.D.) which bound King John to the will of Pope Innocent III.
The Trend in the USA
Given the Caucasian, Protestant citizens of the USA have a low birth rate (about 1.7, I think, which doesn't sustain population, let alone grow it), we'd have to hope some other Protestants were either growing the church by births or getting enough converts to make up the numbers.
The African Americans have traditionally been Protestant, and have a family size that facilitates moderate growth in generations. Whether they retain the faith is another thing, of course.
The quickest growing, influential race demographic in the USA is actually the Hispanics. They have a higher birth rate than the African Americans and retain religious affiliation much more.
The small demographic worth mentioning is that if the Muslims. Whilst under 1%of the population, they have an average of EIGHT children per family, giving explosive growth. The religion is also enforced. Once a Muslim, always a Muslim as far as they are concerned. Those who decide to leave are disenfranchised, persecuted, physically abused and at worse killed.
The Jews lay low religiously, but are actually more organized, far wealthier and incredibly more influential than any other religious / cultural group in the USA. The 1.7% of Beers in the USA run Hollywood, the media, the Federal Reserve and all the large banks, the folks and diamond companies, the stock exchange... You want me to keep going? They really do OWN America, including the politicians!
The Mother & Her Daughters
When there's a coup d'etat in a country, does the new military leader seek to recruit every soldier in the country or convert the leaders? No. The new generalisimo looks for existing leaders he can convert into his fold. There's often some personal, cultural or even moral leverage the new man can use to 'stretch out his tent pegs' and 'fill the house'.
Whilst the church of the first century, and maybe upto mid second century, was largely organic, the advent of Romanism, melding power and politics with religion to forge a single governing and religious organisation, substantially changed a largely organic structure where natural leaders were followed "as they followed Christ" (quoting the Apostle Paul) to an authoritative, top-down power structure we see today in Roman Catholicism. More than purely a chance in governance, because the religious leadership was merged with politics and power, the Roman Catholic Church became the most wealthy organisation on the planet. Whilst the wealth of the Rothschild's, the White Dragons (collective Asian Mafia recently come under single leadership to challenge Western power), various royalty, and business billionaires is not to be sneezed at, the Vatican Bank has for decades been intertwined with some of these (most probably the Rothschilds).
The Vatican has the longest serving secret service, is adept in intrigue, holds influence over many politicians and power brokers in a multitude of countries. It's a wonder the churches that sprang from it haven't been won back. Or have they?
Surprise, Surprise!
The Roman Popes have worked long and hard the past century or so to win back to the Mother Church the errant denominations that strayed from her skirts. The effort has in fact met with great success. Many protestant, pentecostal and orthodox denominations world wide now acknowledge the Roman Pope as their true and ultimate head on earth.
Given also the Jesuits have worked hard and long to establish a papal influence in what was originally a strongly protestant land, it is very likely the Pope has Jesuits and Opus Dei people in very strategic positions throughout the USA, ready to take advantage of a strategic gain. There is a long and detailed history of Jesuit dealings in USA. Some USA Presidents spoke very clearly about them, that they are very dangerous and the Vatican was knee deep in political intrigue. Given that the Jews don't worship the God of their Fathers, but are actually what Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ) called the Synagogue of Satan, involved in the Mystery Babylon religion (as are the high and hidden orders of the Vatican, but not consciously the average Roman Catholic), it should not be surprising that the mainstream media has made a fair circus of the recent Papal visit to the USA, in which the current Roman Pope addressed Congress and met personally with Obama. This is a break through in the VISIBLE relationship between the Vatican & USA. Much more is going on less visibly.
Turning The Tide
It is often crisis that brings change. Indeed, the architects of the New World Order expect to bring "order out us chaos". The Hegelian Dialectic is alive and well in the midst of the Illuminists. One side pushes one way; the other side the other way; and in the chaos the agenda progresses as the problem seems to be solved - as planned all along. What would it take to tip the USA into chaos and hasten the fully functional NAU? Maybe financial problems. Possibly terrorist attacks. It could even be due to civil unrest and the need to restore order. The Pope after all is a very influential man, and if called upon to assist the transition would be very ready to do so, as the USA is soon be a Catholic enclave and part of the NAU with Catholic Mexico and quite Catholic Canada.
Is Trump a Good Guy?
Only time will tell if Trump is a good guy. I suspect not. I think his rhetoric is most likely pay off the Hegelian Dialectic of the moment. After all, despite the powers that be commenting he's "not one of the initiates" (Skull & Bones, Freemasonry etc.), he lives on the 66th floor and his apartment is decorated with incredibly realistic scenes of pagan gods like Zues, Apollo etc.; the very same ancient personalities as the Illuminati are soaked in and are even very seriously trying to reach out to (believing they are in Saturn) and/or trying to bring back by very advanced gene/DNA experimental science. If sounds weird, I know, but that's what's going on. So if Trump is cut from the same cloth, the way he talks may just be trickery.
What if USA goes down?
In closing, a great many commentators are very concerned about the USA. I am one of them. If we read USA (even part of) as Mystery Babylon (or part of) then the USA is in for a VERY BUMPY RIDE. How soon? The exit of very many ultra-rich from USA to New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and other refuges has become staggering the last couple of years and is at fever pitch.
My advice is find Yehovah / YHWH and his son Yeshua/Yehoshua for real. Get on your knees and pray; soak yourself in the gospels and letters; and follow his leading to the letter. I believe he has a plan to care for his own if things fall apart. But you must know Him. It came just be intellect, and the Bible (KJV, ESV, NASB are all good versions) is sufficient for God himself to talk to you about your life and new life as His child.
Population :
Religion : CIA Fact Book (online)