Saturday, December 22, 2018

Colonisation Overview Video

An excellent video using maps to explain the chances and influences over time, going back to the Silk Road and Ottoman influence in North Africa.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The war on prescription drugs

Being a sufferer of chronic pain since 2003 when involved in a motor vehicle accident, I've consistently been on opiates done that time. The Australian Government has, the past few years, been making much ado about opiate addiction, and has been pushing doctors to reduce the dose patients are on.

I ran into this program very tangibly when I moved from Brisbane, Queensland (Australia) to Ballarat, Victoria a couple of years ago. I left behind as very supportive pain specialist who had stood by me and helped me try a number of alternative approaches to pain management. Sometimes we won and I was able to reduce my dose, sometimes we lost and my dose has to go back up.

When I hit Ballarat, I found a very reserved GP staring at me, wondering if I was drug shopping. He said (from memory) "the government is really cracking down, and I can get in big trouble for prescribing opiates". It's interesting that GPs are now worried that Big Brother is watching. This guy wasn't dodgy. He's a straight up GP. But he's worried to the extent that he won't help me transition my care effectively to Victoria. I had a really tough three months or so until I earned his trust, but even then he's still been very reserved and concerned about his safety as much as my health. I've switched GP to someone I met socially, and he's much more if a people person but, and I say but, he's still very much aware of the government's line on opiates.

I've had a number of people tell me about cannibus as pain relief, and a couple of people suggest something else again. Many of the cannibus advocates are using it because they can't get prescription drugs to manage their pain. A number of them seem to have transitioned to cannibus the past few years; the same timeframe as the government's campaign against opiates.

I've seen articles on the TV and Internet about alternative pain relief. Many talk of legalised cannibus/marijuana. It seems cannibus oil is all the go. People tell me it's available on the Black Market. "Why not use it", "Give it a try" they say.

I have wondered what the shift from legal opiates to possibly illegal drugs will do to our society. Certainly the government will not have to subsidize the opiates as much. But who will make money? Where are the drugs likely to come from?

Then I saw this video just now, and knowing what I do, it kind of makes sense to me. If this is true for the USA, what does it mean for Australia? Watch with an open mind and judge for yourself.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Space is Fake Video - very clever

The are a lot of very serious videos about the earth and space out there, but this is the first time I've seen something funny and instructive. I hope you enjoy it.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Can Trump Topple Theocracy, or will China's Chummy Commerce win the day for Iran?

Trump is turning the screws on Iran. The USA has even forced Iran into a place where their oil freighters are now shipping oil to China without insurance, which is an unheard of risk. Will Trump be able to topple the Theocracy in Tehran? Some say if he dies, he'll receive a Novel Peace Prize. What's the real picture here?

I think it's a Hegelian Dialectic. USA & Iran pushing and pulling; China walks in and provides the synthesis. All hail the New Silk Road, which pulls the East Asian countries which have been on the fringe of the NWO right into the core. It's not clear to me whether Trump will cause regime change in Iran, but one thing is for sure: without a significant problem and two sides arguing over it, there is no synthesis, no change, no progression toward a New World Order. This is what I watch for.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Polarisation and touch point for global war

This guy describes the position of countries, what's happening in Brazil and what he thinks will occur going forward if Brazil invades Venezuela - as they have repeatedly claimed they will.

Chinese knew dates of Jesus' birth, death and resurrection

Friday, November 2, 2018

Adapt 2030: New Madrid Fault & Mississippi Draining

I've just told to the video mentioned after my comments (copied), because this is important subject matter.

What's in Antarctica? The WATCHERS are there. These are fallen angels. Pope Francis, Patriarch Krill and many other dignitaries beat a path down there quietly when called by them. John Kerry went down, seemingly uninvited, when Clinton was going to lose to ask for intervention. I hear they were displeased and ejected him forthwith.

These entities are evil. Hitler moved massive amounts of infrastructure, troops and supplies there to try and build his master race in quiet, starting before the end of WW2. There is ample evidence of this. I can provide some if you are interested.

The Bible would seem to indicate these evil entities will be revealed and very active in inciting mankind to bloodshed and pagan religion before the second coming of Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus the Christ). I can reference you to multiple authoritative authors on Antarctica, the Watchers, their plans for mankind as our planet goes into crisis: in environment, in war, in financial collapse and more. All this is increasingly on our doorstep. My blog is at Regards :-)

Billingslea of USA - the hypocrisy is breathtaking!

Marshall Billingslea is here addressing....

Billingslea seriously sounds like he's describing the United States of America and the global NWO interests that run it when talking about these countries! The hypocrisy is astounding!

What would cause this carefully delivered rant? What have countries like this done to attack the United States of America? How about dumping the US Dollar!

US financial hegemony was assured by their hard won command of the seas, as they rule the planet's oceans; plus the sounding feat of instituting the PETRO-DOLLAR, by which Saudi oil would only be sold in USD, in return for the US having military forces stationed their to protect the country. In retrospect, I almost think that if the surrounding nations had realised what the US was up to with that ploy, they might have gone to war with the Saudis and US in order to protect their independence.

Look at what the CIA has done in Ukraine!



First watch this to hear the rant, that sounds like a fair and compelling analysis that could pit your understanding at odds with these nations:

Then watch this one to help understand dune background on what's really going on with 'De-Dollarisation'. Understands the US dollar is soon to implode. See below fur sums discussion on this, but first watch this video:



You will also find articles in this blog regarding the New Silk Road and the World Island, explaining how massive amounts of trade are starting to flow right through China, the far eastern countries, Khazakstan, Russia and into the heart of Europe. This amazing transport corridor is being constructed at a furious pace, is already functioning and is growing capability even as we sleep. Also be aware that the US actually makes money from nations using THEIR OCEANS! THAT'S WHY THERE'S SUCH A DID ABOUT THE SOUTH CHINA SEA! It's not only about access, is about domination and reaping income from users! So mush for 'International Waters'!

In closing, the days of the US Dollar are very limited, China & Russia seem positioned to run world financial exchange in place of the IMF & International Bank of Settlements with the SWIFT system.

The countdown is on. The bomb under the US economy is ticking. Their debt is to high cut them to ever pay off. They only have two choices:
1. Go through financial collapse, hopefully being brave to true the yoke of the Federal Reserve System off their back!
2. Go to war to secure their interests, protect the Petro-dollar by attacking nations that want to abandon it. HOWEVER Russia, China and the BRICS countries and associates have had enough of the US dictating to them, and are ready to protect their right to adopt a more independent and honest system (which takes less from participating countries, and delivers more).

See also my posts on: “Fascinating insight into 'Russian Ties' and the New Silk Road reality’:

Here also is my article on a video from my dear friend Steven Ben Noon, which I've titled “A bit of USA/RU/CN global political balance!”:

After that, go digging in my blog for other articles about the New Silk Road and US Dollar. Tip: an easy search in Google is the syntax to focus on a specific site (or HLQ) with search terms.

For example

“New Silk Road”.



Happy reading. Pray that ‘Yeshua Ha Mashiach’ (Jesus the Christ) will give you understanding and wisdom as you comprehend the realities of our world! Never let yourself fact in fear; despite appearances, the enemy of our souls is on a short leash. We are privileged to watch the two great mysterious of human history coming to their conclusion:

1. The Mystery of Godliness
2. The Mystery of Iniquity

Steve Barnes.

Trump & Mattis just sent a BATTALION to the border!

WikiLeaks’ Email Exposes Billionaire Globalist Soros as Hillary Clinton’s Puppet Master

Washington, D.C. – Contained within WikiLeaks’ recent release of hacked DNC emails is a message from billionaire globalist financier George Soros, to Hillary Clinton while she was U.S. Secretary of State, that clearly reveals Clinton as a puppet of the billionaire class.

Found within the WikiLeaks’ Hillary Clinton email archive is an email with the subject ‘Unrest in Albania,’ in which Soros makes clear to Clinton that “two things need to be done urgently.” He then directs the Secretary of State to “bring the full weight of the international community to bear on Prime Minister Berisha” and “appoint a senior European official as mediator.” Revealing the influence he wields within the corridors of power, Soros then provides Secretary of State Clinton with three names from which to choose. Unsurprisingly, Clinton acquiesced and chose one of the officials recommended by Soros — Miroslav Lajcak.

This is standard operating procedure for Soros. Anyone familiar with the history of the Soros Open Society Foundations in Eastern Europe and around the world since the late 1980’s, will know that his supposedly philanthropic “democracy-building” projects in Poland, Russia, or Ukraine in the 1990’s allowed Soros the businessman to literally plunder the former communist countries wealth, according to the New Eastern Outlook.

Soros-affiliated organizations are deeply connected to numerous color revolutions, the Arab Spring, and a number of other uprisings across the world. They have been intimately involved in the coup that took place in Ukraine, and subsequent ratcheting up of Cold War tensions with Russia.

In this particular instance, puppet master Soros instructs the U.S. Secretary of State that “the U.S. and European Union must work in complete harmony over this,” exposing how far his influence in international relations extends.

With the recent revelations about the pay for play scheme between the Clinton Foundation, numerous donors, and the State Department on display in the latest release of Clinton emails by the Judicial Watch organization, it has become exceedingly apparent that the U.S. policy under Clinton is variable depending upon whether you have contributed to the Clinton Foundation.

Tellingly, Soros has committed $25 million dollars to the 2016 presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, which, per standard Clinton operating procedure, is indicative of the symbiotic relationship of favors between the billionaire and his political puppets.

Read more at:

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Pakistan Fundamentalist Moslems: Persecuting, taking and killing Christians

"Pakistan is the biggest recipient of British Financial Aid",  says Lord David Alton; but they are persecuting and killing Christians. (link to page with audio interview below).

Have you seen the militant Muslims protesting the release of a Christian woman jailed for blasphemy after being persecuted by radical Muslims?


Bibi's case stemmed from a simple act among poor farmhands in rural Pakistan. Bibi was asked to get water while harvesting fruit in a field. Muslim women working with Bibi complained when she dipped her cup into the water bucket, saying a non-Muslim was unclean. (ref


Maybe the only was to stop it eventually happening here is for the international community to help stamp it out wherever this injustice exists.


LORD David Alton:

“And commenting on the amount on the aid Britain gives to Pakistan, he said: "It is incumbent on us to demand what is being done using our money to prevent the sources of hatred that lead to the persecution of these minorities.”


Here's a press release from Wilson Chowdry, who resides in the UK and works for British Pakistani Christians.

BREAKING NEWS: Asia Bibi is to be freed!
Keri Gibbs

Asia Bibi is free! Chief Justice Saqib Nasir has given the order to release her as soon as possible and she has been found not guilty of all charges of blasphemy.

The Chief Justice is reported to have said:

"Her conviction is set aside and she is to be relieved forthwith."

The portions of the 56 page verdict written by Chief Justice highlighting the importance of the presumption of innocence until proven guilty and were released in DAWN and read as follows:

"It is a well settled principle of law that one who makes an assertion has to prove it. Thus, the onus rests on the prosecution to prove guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt throughout the trial...

"Presumption of innocence remains throughout the case until such time the prosecution on the evidence satisfies the court beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of the offence alleged against him.

"[...] The expression 'proof beyond reasonable doubt' is of fundamental importance to the criminal justice: it is one of the principles which seeks to ensure that no innocent person is convicted.

"Keeping in mind the evidence produced by the prosecution against the alleged blasphemy committed by the appellant, the prosecution has categorically failed to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt."

There was some indication of these considerations in the arguments on appeal, when the Chief Justice while emphasizing the seriousness of committing blasphemy, said:

“[Not only] our laws but the fundamentals of our religion also place strict standards of proof to prove the crime”.

Early morning in Pakistan messages were going out across nation as Pakistan's Supreme Court prepared to render their final verdict on Asia Bibi's case. To read more about the lead up to the verdict (click here)

Christians and Christian institutions have been warned with alerts to be careful due to the high risk of revenge attacks. Christians have been bracing themselves for expected violence following the verdict.

The head of Tehreek Labaik has released a special video in which he is telling his party faithful to get ready for anything if the decision is favour of Asia Bibi. In a previous rally following the delay of judgement he uttered death threats against the authorities and directed his followers to revolt by staging protests without direction from the central party.

Protests have already started as a result of Asia Bibi's not guilty verdict. Islamabad has been blocked off by protesters shouting slogans and the police are on standby.

A perimeter has been formed by law enforcement around sensitive targets and important government buildings.

The Government of Pakistan has had mobile phones registered in a special campaign over the past month and could possibly cut off mobile service. A few weeks ago we also heard reports of military exercises taking place, perhaps in an effort to prepare for possible backlash to the verdict.

Christians are understandably concerned about their well being and that of their communities with mobs of people forming, but they are overjoyed at the news.

Our BPCA Leader Officer in Pakistan, Mehwish Bhatti said:

"We are so happy and thankful to God for this big day! All glory goes to Him. The decision was tough; God has strengthened the resolve of the Justices and has made it possible. I pray for the peace of minorities, let God be their guardian."

Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association, said:

"Asia Bibi has endured almost tent yesr of brutal incarceration in isolation. The world has watcehd her suffer but today thanks to the grace of God today the world rejoices.

"Her freedom can hardly be called justice and nothing will ever compenstae her for her lost years.

"For now we can only pray that she is given the counselling and support she needs to recover and restore her place in society - this will of course be in a nation far away from Pakistan where it is untenable for her to remain."

He added:

"Pakistan is increasingly exhibiting an intolerance to non-Muslims that has to be tackled by it's government.

"That extremists can indce riots and bring the country to a standstill is bewildering.

"We call on the Government of Pakistan to assure Christians their safety during these tumultous times, moreover we call for people to pray for a restoration of peace in a nation that is riven by fundamentalism."

Please also sign our petition that we might challenge for the whole of Asia Bibi's family to have a joint asylum, preventing her being split from any of her immediate family again (click here)

BPCA has been asked to help with raising £25,000 to aid in the security and evacuation of Asia Bibi and her family from Pakistan following the verdict. To donate to this appeal please (donate here) and mark your donation ASIA BIBI


British government "living in a fantasy world" over Pakistani Christian persecution
Wed 24 Feb 2016
By Aaron James

A peer has said the British government is "living in a fantasy world" if it doesn't think Pakistani Christians face outright persecution in their own country.

Lord David Alton was speaking at the launch of an All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) report he was apart of, which is urgently calling on the UK to formally recognise that all Christians in the country, as well other minorities, face "a real risk of persecution".

Current legal guidance used by the Home Office does not currently acknowledge all believers in Pakistan as facing this level of threat because of their faith in Christ.

Under Pakistan's blasphemy laws, a person can be sentenced to death for insulting the Prophet Muhammad. The laws are often used to target Christians.

If Britain was to change it's default stance, it could lead to greater pressure being put on Pakistani authorities to change the country's blasphemy laws and better protect minorities.

It could also lead to more suffering Pakistani Christians being granted asylum, and for those processes to be handled more quickly.

The report also urges the UK government to make sure aid money it gives to Pakistan does not accidentally fuel Christian persecution, by going to organisations which do not respect freedom of religion - something enshrined in Pakistan's constitution.

According to Lord Alton, Pakistan is the biggest recipient of British bilateral aid in the world, receiving more than £1bn from the United Kingdom in the last two years.

In an exclusive interview with Premier at the report's launch in the House of Lords, he told us: "The UK government is living in a fantasy world if they don't think that there is outright persecution in Pakistan.

"Tell that to the children who watched the mob of 1200 people burn their parents alive in a kiln. Tell that to the Anglicans who were worshipping in their church in Peshawar, over a hundred of whom were murdered in a bombing. Tell it to the family of the Catholic Minister for Minorities Shahbaz Bhatti who was assasinated on the streets and still no one brought to justice."

The APPG report came after Lord Alton visited hundreds of Pakistani Christians detained in Thailand, who were waiting to see if they'd be granted asylum.

Thousands were being kept in Bangkok. At the detention centre Lord Alton visited, hundreds shared individual rooms and took it in turns to sleep on the floor because there wasn't enough space.

The Group then began formally investigating the plight of believers both inside and outside of Pakistan.

Referring to his conversations with them, Lord Alton told Premier: "People told me about how their homes had been burnt down, their churches had been bombed, people had been raped.

"We heard stories of forced conversion. It was a litany of horror."

And commenting on the amount on the aid Britain gives to Pakistan, he said: "It is incumbent on us to demand what is being done using our money to prevent the sources of hatred that lead to the persecution of these minorities.

"I wouldn't go as far as to say it's aiding and abetting outright persecution, but I would certainly say it is doing nothing to stop it."

Listen to Premier's Aaron James speaking to Lord David Alton in the House of Lords at the bottom of the source article:


And just to show how dangerous it is for non-Muslim girls, particularly Christians…

Pakistan: "Christian Girls Are Only Meant for the Pleasure of Muslim Men"

by Raymond Ibrahim
January 25, 2016 at 4:00 am

"Around 700 Christian women in Pakistan are abducted, raped and forced into Islamic marriage every year – that figure is almost two a day and the world does nothing." — Wilson Chowdhry, human rights activist, citing the Muslim non-governmental organization, "Movement of Solidarity and Peace."

"Christian girls are considered goods to be damaged at leisure. Abusing them is a right. According to the community's mentality it is not even a crime. Muslims regard them as spoils of war." — Local residents, Pakistan.

Three Christian girls in Pakistan, who rejected the advances of some wealthy Muslim young men, were recently mauled by them. One of the girls died.

The London-born Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association (BPCA) and human rights activist, Wilson Chowdhry, who broke the story, reported that one of the men had said: "Christian girls are only meant for one thing, the [sexual] pleasure of Muslim men."

The incident occurred on January 13 in Lahore. The three girls—aged 17, 18, and 20—were walking home after a hard day's work. Four Muslim youths in a vehicle followed the girls and accosted them. The men "misbehaved," yelled "suggestive and lewd comments," and harassed the girls to get in their car for "a ride and some fun."

The girls declined the "invitation," and added that they were "devout Christians and did not practice sex outside of marriage."

    This caused an immediate change in the demeanour of the boys who became more aggressive and started to threaten the girls to enter the car or to be physically forced in. Terrified of the increasingly dangerous situation they were in the girls started to run in a fit of panic. This only enraged the young Muslim men further, one of them shouted out at the girls, he said: "How dare you run away from us, Christian girls are only meant for one thing, the pleasure of Muslim men."

The Muslim men chased the girls and ran the car into them. Two girls fell to the ground; one's hip was broken, the other's ribs were shattered. The youngest, Kiran Masih, aged 17, flew up in the air and crashed into the speeding car's windshield. The Muslims, laughing and with the girl on the windshield, accelerated. Then the driver apparently slammed on the brakes, hard. The force of the stop catapulted the girl into the air. She then crashed to the ground, cracking her skull open and smashing her bones. Within minutes she was dead.

As usual, Pakistani police are reportedly "doing little to apprehend the young men and are allegedly delaying the investigative process." Chowdhry said:

    In any other nation [than Pakistan] the perpetrators would be arrested, convicted for murder and sentenced for a long term.... Violence against Christians is rarely investigated and highly unlikely to be met with justice.... Women have a low status in Pakistan, but none more so than Christian women who find themselves under the grip or terror, especially after this attack. Muslim NGO "Movement of Solidarity and Peace" state[s] that around 700 Christian women in Pakistan are abducted, raped and forced into Islamic marriage every year – that figure is almost two a day and the world does nothing.

Accounts like this -- including the claim that it is a Muslim man's right to rape Christians and other "infidels" -- are common in Pakistan.

A Muslim rapist, while attacking a 9-year-old Christian girl in Pakistan, her told her "not to worry because he had done the same service to other young Christian girls."

Local residents, discussing the man's remark to his 9-year-old rape victim, said: "It is shameful. Such incidents occur frequently. Christian girls are considered goods to be damaged at leisure. Abusing them is a right. According to the community's mentality it is not even a crime. Muslims regard them as spoils of war."

The Islamic concept of "spoils" is explained by one of the world's leading authorities on Islamic law and jurisprudence, the late Majid Khadduri, in War and Peace in the Law of Islam:

    The term spoil (ghanima) is applied specifically to property acquired by force from non-Muslims. It includes, however, not only property (movable and immovable) but also persons, whether in the capacity of asra (prisoners of war) or sabi (women and children). ... If the slave were a woman, the master was permitted to have sexual connection with her as a concubine.

Even in Western nations, Muslims from Pakistan believe it is their right to rape and sexually abuse "infidel" women – or even Muslim women if they are out at night unaccompanied or not wearing a veil. Of course a veiled woman might also be attacked, but then the rape would be the same as for a non-Muslim rapist -- he wants what he wants and that's that. But if she is a Muslim out on her own, he can rationalize away or justify the rape as "his right" since she is acting like an infidel, so supposedly deserves what she gets. This author knows of no instance where a Muslim man targeted a Muslim woman because he thinks it is his "right."

In Britain in 2012, nine Muslim men—eight from Pakistan—were convicted of rape and sexual exploitation of children in Britain. And just as Christians and other "infidels" in Pakistan are told before they are raped, the men regularly "told their victims that it was all right for them to be passed around for sex with dozens of men 'because it's what we do in our country.'"

Today, as Muslims spread into the West, what they do to "infidel" women in their adopted countries is increasingly what they do to "infidel" women in their home countries—as thousands of women in Cologne and other cities recently found out.

    Raymond Ibrahim, author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War in Christians (a Gatestone Publication, published by Regnery, April 2013), is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and Judith Friedman Rosen Writing Fellow at the Middle East Forum

PAKISTAN:: Death sentence for poor Christian lady taking a cup of water: reprieved to huge protests from Fundamentalist Muslims

Have you seen the militant Muslims protesting the release of a Christian woman jailed for blasphemy after being advised by radical Muslims?


Bibi's case stemmed from a simple act among poor farmhands in rural Pakistan. Bibi was asked to get water while harvesting fruit in a field. Muslim women working with Bibi complained when she dipped her cup into the water bucket, saying a non-Muslim was unclean. (ref


Maybe the only was to stop it eventually happening here is for the international community to help stamp it out wherever this injustice exists.



excerpt… 10/16/2018 Pakistan (International Christian Concern) - Thousands of religious extremists in Pakistan took to the streets in Lahore on October 12 to demand Asia Bibi, a Christian woman currently on death row for committing blasphemy, be executed. The extremists went on to threaten the Supreme Court...


Pakistan's highest court on Wednesday ordered the release of a poor, illiterate Christian woman who had been sentenced to death for blasphemy, setting off a wave of demonstrations by hard-line Islamists nationwide but drawing praise from human rights activists.

The Supreme Court overturned the conviction against Asia Bibi, accused in 2009 of insulting the Prophet Muhammad in a case that sparked violent protests in the overwhelmingly Muslim nation of 200 million people. Two Pakistani government officials were murdered in 2011 in crimes linked to their support of Bibi.

Christianity Today (says we should pay for peace and for the Muslims). Fur some is reason, the page is not rendering at HACKED? COULD WELL BE. I've had a Christian clients website hacked a few times by Muslim fundamentalists who left violent slogans all over it.


Isn't it about time the international community turned up the pressure on these behaviours! Free speech should always be allowed, but persecuting innocents, violent mobs assassinations surely deserve or attention and SHARING with friends to help bring about and end to this.



7 year old report from when she was jailed:


‘Hardliners March as Pakistan overturns Asia Bibi death sentence’:


‘Protests in Islamabad after Christian woman acquired of blasphemy case’

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

WAR IS COMING: China 250% GDP/DEBT RATIO - USA in financial crisis

People keep telling me that China is ultra rich, and owns a stack of Australia and USA but is this really so, and who holds the profits vs debt?

There is some truth to the statement that China owns a lot of assets and real estate in other countries. The USA in particular has been selling resource rich areas to China for some time. So has Australia of course.

Someone told me just yesterday there's a plan for the Chinese to build a railway Network on the West Coast of the USA, mainly California, and that acquisition of land and burning of other land to devalue it is part of the plot. I have yet to confirm this, but will follow through.

The thing is that the Chinese capitulated to the the globalist order (NWO) and set up a central bank (yep, privately owned or usual, linked to Rothschilds) in order to get global companies in, foreign investment and technology, and so they could better access world markets. They got what they wanted, so did the NWO.

The Chinese government now sits on a 250% to 300% GDP/ debt ratio (depending on exact sources for figures); either way it's absolutely disastrous. Their foreign markets are shakey due to economies and their biggest trading partner, the USA, is whacking them with tariffs. Why? Because the Chinese Government co-owns masses of Chinese companies (most of any significance) and had pumped borrowed money into them left right and centre to make them profitable, but then also provides financial support to these companies to make them globally competitive.

There are some very wealthy individuals who have profited from this of course! Just as they have in the USA and Australia.

The USA and other countries cannot of course compete with most Chinese goods because of the advantage their government gives them. What does the USA do? Place tariffs to even the playing field.

So the Chinese economy is dangerously close to free fall. The USA on the other hand, has been slowly pulling back jobs that globalist companies sold into China. Trump has worked very hard at this, and from my understanding, there's been success.

However, the USA also faces a fiat currency system debt it can never pay. The Fed left interest rates near zero for Obama's years, but has hiked them the times in Trump's presidency already. Why does this matter? When a county owes 1 trillion dollars, it might have a hope of servicing a 5% interest rate, but when it owes more than it can pay back from GDP,  anything much more than zero is going to drive it into the ground, and fast.

I've written before about the USA fighting on three fronts:
1. Financial
2. External wars
3. Internal (civil) war.

The Democrats are calling for civil war, and there's a huge convoy of illegal immigrants heading through Mexico of flat bed trucks to the USA as you read this.
Why? To tip the election and create civil war if necessary. Think Europe. Think Russia in WW1, battling on the Western Front, fighting Bolsheviks (Rothschild sponsored) internally and international banks determined to wreck the monarchy and install their own order, which they were successful at.

Traditionally, there's only a couple of ways to simulate a country's economy to solve problem like this:
1. Borrow money to simulate the economy, BUT IT MUST affect the GDP/DEBT situation otherwise it looks the country faster.
2. Go to war

Much of the world is in economic crisis, and whilst Trump has done good, maybe even amazing things, he has many enemies, and it's unlikely he'll be able to keep it going into a full recovery and solution to the enormous debt the USA has. Further to that, the are a stack of neo-con war mongers in the USA. The military-industrial complex is alive and well. What's more, politicians like the Clintons, McCain (now deceased).

What kind of animals are we dealing with here ? Read on McCain here:

Is China any different? No. They are increasingly aggressive. They have been waiting for close to technology parity to go to war. They think they are there now, and are in a massive army, airforce and naval building program. It's so big, it's scary.
WATCH THIS just released video: Australia they are preparing to come get you!

And here's my friend Steven BenNoon from Israeli News Live, back in the USA and reporting from his car on this urgent matter:

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Hello Timor-Leste, we're Australia, now bend over like a good little country whilst we take advantage of you please.

I've told a bucket load of people how Australia has looted Timor-Leste of natural resources for years under the pretence of helping them. If I remember correctly at one stage we got them to redraw their national (sea) boundary to let us have the off-shore oil fields, leaving them with pitifilly little offshore area. I think that was before their independence, when the trouble with Indonesia happened.

This video goes into more detail than I knew. Be warned there's a bit of language (whilst she wears a smile), but the information is very important to understand. For one thing, Australia dealing unfairly with its neighbours, engaging in unsavoury practices and causing deaths.

The other thing this video highlights yet again is the collusion (may, should I say conspiracy, because that's what it is) that the profits from these nefarious activities don't go to Australians, they go to AUSTRALIA PTY LTD and the CORPORAT INS and SCUMBAGS like Downer that run the racket! I many politicians will do all they can to develop a good public image, but underneath are dead to morality. The are supposedly 'Christian' politicians like this by the dozen.

You think we're any different from the good old USA? THINK AGAIN  and for the sake of the victims, tell you friends. We need Aussies to know this.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Black Pidgeon Speaks: Trump Entering The Assassination Zone

Firstly let me say "I like this guy". He is genuinely a voice of reason, and considers carefully how much to say given the wide audience.

Having said that, let me comment before you watch this expose of Central Banking and the assassinations of presidents who have tried to dismantle it. He's largely my comment to him on the video...

This good summary, and "will educate a lot of people. I imagine you stopped short of some things for the sake of credibility, and standing as a 'voice of reason' to the populace; a fair stance. I believe Trump is part of a Hegelian Dialectic. Look carefully at his background; his links to Freemasonry and the occult symbology in his life. Only time will tell, but I get the SYNTHESIS of this Hegelian Dialectic will be the collapse of the United States as et know it, with it being subsumed into the North American Union; subject to the evils of the United Nations; much more under the influence of the Roman Pontiff; and shackled into the digital chains that are being placed on our world. Despite Portion also appearing to be a good guy, he also has some tell tales, has enforced the Orthodox Church add the only legitimate religious buddy, is persecuting Christians outside of it and has created a Christian Jihad mentally. Those behind the scenes are more than clever; I gear they are guided by an evil intelligence."

Enjoy this on from Black Pidgeon..

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Is the the beginning of the end for the USA? 3 Fronts Squeezing

I've been watching the news about the migrant stream headed toward the USA through Mexico. They are only taking a small number of days to cross Mexico and are traveling on large flatbed trucks. Lots of them.

This begs the questions "Who's organised it, why, and why right now". I believe we're going to see a similar phenomena to that of the refugees propelled from the Middle East by war largely caused by western powers, with hundreds of thousands entering the southern US states. Texas in particular is really worried about this. People are worried for their safety.

Why can't the people who are moving these enormous crowds across Mexico (stopping to walk in cities for the cameras) help these poor people in their own countries? Because it doesn't fit their agenda. These people are being used.

The USA seems about to bust apart. Democrats are inciting violence against others, and it's really happening. People are scared. Some Democrat leaders are literally calling for civil war.

We've got three fronts pushing against the USA at the moment.

1. Overseas wars. The Middle East is getting worse, degenerating into a constant war crossing national boundaries and pulling Russia and China in to. The South China Sea is getting extremely touchy. Chinese aircraft carriers and troops are deployed. The Chinese government has announced it's preparing for war and had produced a very slick propaganda film to motivate the populace and further build the ranks of soldiers. They are seriously in three move with the WORLD'S BIGGEST ARMY.

2. The threat of financial collapse, which looks bigger than many know. It's coming. No mistake. Millionaires see the song on the wall and deserting the USA in droves. Many are going to south island NZ, others to Tasmania. Some are going to deep South America.

3. Internal strife degenerating into martial law and even civil law. The looming refugee crisis will precipitate this and pull perhaps 20,000 troops to defend the border. These troops will turn not be able to assist inside the USA, leaving it ripe for civil war.  

I believe these three fronts are being coordinated to end the USA as we know it and usher in the North American Union, which will answer more readily to the United Nations and..... 'his holiness' the Roman Pontiff.
Is this guaranteed? the time is right for the NWO to overthrow the government. This will eventually result in the USA being subsumed into the North American Union.

READ MY ARTICLE "WAR IS COMING: China 250% GDP/DEBT RATIO - USA in financial crisis " for more understanding of the dynamics...

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Quantum Prayers in the Entangled Universe?

Is this guy preaching a similar message to that of the Word Of Faith community? Listen for the first10 minutes, especially around 7 & 8, and tell me what you think.

Is it possible that the Word Of Faith people could be swept into a science based One World Religion because of the similarities?

Monday, October 15, 2018

BIG SPLIT: Russian Orthodox Church breaks ties with Constantinople; what about Pope francis though?

I'm not really up with what Orthodox churches do, but I am interested in geo-politics. This just came past me and I thought it worth sharing. It's being called by some the biggest split since the Eastern Orthodox Church parted with the Roman Catholic Church many centuries ago. And that's happening in the same decade as major consolidation is occurring too!

Basically it seems that the Russian orthodox Church has strained relations with the Orthodox churches in Ukraine because of the way the Ukraine has split from Russia and aligned with NATO. There must have been a lot going on under the covers, as the Eastern Orthodox Church based in Constantinople, Turkey (which is the headquarters of the organisational church world wide from early Christianity) has recognised the church in Ukraine as being independent of the Russian Orthodox Church. This gives legitimacy to the forced takeover of churches in the Ukraine by those who are seeking to consolidate an independent power base there.

Per usual, when a church movement has amassed a very dedicated following, political power base and endless riches, there's a lot at risk in worldly terms. If it was just people networking, a takeover would have been near impossible (as the Roman Empire found when trying to quash early Christians who had very little structure, fixed locations, assets or political connections) and the Ukrainian Orthodox Christians would have continued more or less as is. There is however a lot at stake in terms of formal organisation, established (and paid) clergy, assets and political connections, so I'm not sure we've seen the end of this. It could be contested and there's the possibility of much discussion, mediation and even an international resolution given the times we're in. The Roman Pontiff (Pope Francis) has been making significant efforts to unite the catholic, protestant & orthodox churches. The majority of churches in the western world (including Lutheran and Pentecostal) now acknowledge him as their head. It will be interesting to see if the Roman Pontiff gets involved in this Russian / Ukrainian / Eastern Orthodox situation, which flies in the face of his efforts to unify the Christian faith worldwide, and then unify it with other religions too (efforts have been underway for some time with Judaism, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and more). We'll just have to watch this space and see that comes of it.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Geo-physicist whistleblower on USA nuclear and HAARP

India forced into biometric, digital society.

It's been talked about a lot. There's been signs of it coming. Now it's really hitting the fan in India. Forced central ID by the government, and IS extendable to offer services like banking. The Indian PM is a staunch Hindu, and is pushing this as hard as he can. Christian Indians are very concerned about it, and one has taken it to the High Court. Is this a sign of things to come? Maybe this PM and the Indian government is worth some further examination.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Trump's speech to the United Nations

This was a long and carefully crafted speech. On the surface, it seems to be totally against globalism and the unremarkable bodies spawned by the UN.  The were however a few moments where a deepedy influence was hinted at. For this reason, time slowing,  I'd like to listen to it again and examine it carefully.  The UN bought representatives (yes,  some have been bought by the globalists in order to advance their agenda) seemed not to enter in,  but laughed at Trump. This is to be expected.  I'll try to come back with a more detailed analysis,  meanwhile if anyone has insights,  please comment. Watch here.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Australian army deployed against citizens?

Chain of logic here:
1. The army could be called in to assist police if required 
2. Police didn't respond quickly enough to the Sydney ISIL attack, army was needed. Law changed to allow that.
3. Army obviously should have taken leadership
4. So all it takes is for the domestic police to defer to the army and we've got full on martial law

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Syria's Looming Final Battle: Idlib Escalation Reaching Climax

I've seen multiple news reports of tensions rapidly escalating regarding Syria. It may be that things are getting ready to blow there. The question is whether Russia is at this stage doing the bidding if the NWO as part of a Hegelian Dialectic, with a reshaped Middle East being the synthesis of the Dialectic. Putin Sanaa to have some good on him, but he has been caught in there company of certain in people, very and is associated with Freemasonry. Time will tell.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

FreeOS - worth a look?

I just watched a YouTube video about crypto currency, secure OS etc. The guy talking was interesting, and the "find out more" link landed here.

I do remember however talking to a tech guy about PCs, and he said both Intel and AMD based PCs mostly have huge capability built into their BIOS now. BIOS is the thing that makes a PC know it's a PC. The relationship between BIOS and your operating system is sort of like (my analogy) being a sentient human and having a job. So the BIOS makes the PC aware it has a hard disc with an OS, a DVD drive etc. This layer has grown from using the keyboard only to now using the mouse as well. Importantly, it's also got spyware built into it. That's why any operating system like FREEOS is only as secure as the hardware and BIOS you have it on. My recommendation is if you're going to run FREEOS, try to run it on an older BIOS (and probably hardware) to avoid the risk of being spied on. You'd needed to research how old to eliminate the spyware capability.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Bob Katter introduced Glass Steagall legislation for Australia

A great ramble by Bob Katter, but what exactly happened at the end there? Was the legislation delayed by those who didn't want it sorted or passed?

Two British Intelligence Companies Worked at Entrapping Trump

Movies made with Pentagon influence and supervision

Bob Katter introduced Glass Steagall legislation for Australia

A great ramble by Bob Katter, but what exactly happened at the end there? Was the legislation delayed by those who didn't want it sorted or passed?

Movies made with Pentagon influence and supervision

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Putin vs NWO prediction: 4 Years On

An interesting read from four years ago by Dave Hodges from the Common Sense Show regarding Putin vs the Central Banks & Bank Of International Settlements. Read this in light of my recent article 'Welcome To The New World', which takes a look at the massive change occurring right now in international finance and settlements.

Sunday, July 15, 2018


If nations want peace, why the walls?

If the world is really concerned about Muslim refugees, why are Muslim countries not opening their doors, but Europe is taking so many it's changing the cultural, political and religious landscape?

More blatantly, why would Turkey build a wall to isolate and disown Syrians?

Why would Egypt disown the Palestinians in Gaza when they could give aid to fellow Muslims across their border, or just open the border to allow them in?

Not everything is as it seems. I'm convinced we face a Hegelian Dialectic in many if these situations, which is designed to usher in a new era of global regions with old borders much changed by the Illuminati elite.

Syria is geo-strategic, and it's a misfortune for the Syrian people that their land is where it is. Powerful people are playing a game to gain control; not just for resources, as we've seen in many countries, but as a land bridge.

We're currently seeing a herculean change in the world as regards world trade; both in terms of transition from seas to land across the World Island, with re-establishment of ancient trade routes, and in terms of electronic settlements moving away from the US Dollar and the SWIFT settlement system to the Chinese currency via the new Sino-Soviet system which BRICS and other countries are rushing into.

The New Silk Road and the regional feeds into the road, is a very significant project. It's significant because it re-establishes ancient trade routes across the World Island, and enables many nations that have been somewhat isolated from world trade, which mostly happens via large scale international shipping, to participate in the New World of trade that is set to change the face of the earth.

It's also significant because much of the trade that flows through the New Silk Road will be settled not via the legacy SWIFT system of international settlements using the US petro-dollar, but by the new China International Payments System (CIPS). using either the Russian Ruble or Chinese Renminbi currency. CIPS has less fees than the inconveniences SWIFT system, and is set to polarise world trade away from the USA.

So the mighty USA has ruled the world monetarily and militarily for decades via:
1. Control of the seas
2. Mandating use is the US Dollar for international trade
3. Controlling international settlements via SWIFT

But all of this is changing:
1. The New Silk Road will offer trade routes across the World Island
2. The Russian Ruble and Chinese Renminbi offer currencies de-linked from the USA for international trade
3. The CIPS system provides a more equitable and open system than SWIFT for international settlements.

It's control slipping from those who have held it for so long, into new hands? Or are we setting a change in the geo-political landscape only, with the true power wielded behind the scenes? I'm quite convinced it's the latter.

"Turkey has constructed a 765-kilometer (475-mile) concrete wall along the country’s border with Syria, the Anadolu Agency reported on 09 June 2018, citing an anonymous Turkish official. The wall, which incorporates layers of physical, electronic and advanced technology, was constructed in six Turkish provinces — Sanliurfa, Gaziantep, Kilis, Hatay, Mardin, and Sirnak — in order to prevent illegal crossings and smuggling, and to foster security of the border with Syria, which has been engulfed in a civil war since 2011"

Some references:

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

"When the United States rules the world, the catholic church will rule the world"

Bishop James E. Quigley in the Chicago Daily Tribune on May 5, 1903: "When the United States rules the world, the catholic church will rule the world"

Monday, July 2, 2018

Kushner, Israel, Palestinians

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Neom - towards Babylon?

Now I thought Astana was significant as a NWO city, because it's so full of occult symbolism. I've been watching Astana and wondering what would happen with it. I've also been keeping an eye open for developments regarding Babylon, but that doesn't seem to be happening yet.

So while watching for news on Babylon and Astana, up pops Neom. It's very futuristic. Very interesting. It's almost part of as move toward one world cities that have their own laws, and are made to be independent by technology from what's around them.

The move toward a one world cities accompanies the move toward one world government and one world religion.

What to watch for in this video:

1. Occult symbology
2. Occult hand signals
3. Significant people
4. Significant places.

Note that the Saudi Prince used the word "coexist", which is the word used for the unification of religions (here's one report..  So we should watch for the Pope's involvement here too - in this video and in coming news.

With that said, have a watch of this report on Neom...

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Israel, NWO confusion.

This is a video from my dear brother Steven BenNoon. I have been in contact with him for some time now, discussing various matters, and was invited on his broadcast once. Steven is VERY astute. He knows the Hebrew language and Old Testament (Pentateuch/Torah, Prophets and Writings as they call it) extremely well. His research correlates very directly with what I have personally uncovered, add he is an intelligent and humble man who Yeshua Ha Mashiach (our Lord Jesus the Christ) is really using in an increasing way.
I think Steven has this right, and this is worth a watch. He has further information about the Roman Pontiff and his deep and disturbing involvement in Israel in other videos. A good primer of you're unsure about the Pope and Vatican is Dave Hunt's "The Woman Who Rides The Beast" video.

His summary: "shocking evidence that Netanyahu and others in his Likud government have set the stage for the Two Witnesses. We have truly entered into the final days and what you will hear tonight could change your life."

Watch. Enjoy? Maybe but, but be informed!

Saturday, May 5, 2018


I've just been 'YouTubing'. As you do 😋. Ran into some stuff about HillSong and the stupid, almost demonic video they've made with the women covered in white sheets and another in a red sheet taking power over them to cast their crowns down. It's really so occultic, and almost states that are relinquishing their God given crown for worldly pleasures.

Many Christians would get a shock at this. But it was the comments that got me! Some went onto the subject of HillSong finances and then to tithing. And out came statements such as "God will bless you only when you tithe"; and "My church teaches tithing". This got up my nose a bit, so I'm addressing it....

I can't believe that most Christians parrot what they're taught without actually reading the Bible! We must come to understand that God will hold us accountable for willful ignorance.

To understand these areas, we must read the pentateuch  - the first 5 books of the OT. Look at EVERY instance of TITHE and start to understand there were MANY kinds of tithe. And a tithe wasn't always money! Look at who the tithe went to. It was for the priesthood, for social security, for the poor.

The tithe was part of the OT Law. It's the only thing NOT reinforced in the NT. In the NT, Paul asked for a collection for the saints in Jerusalem so were going through hard times because they were outside the system that had the CEREMONIAL LAW and TITHES.

Paul furthermore talked over the issue of support for his ministry, saying he could ask to be compensated but it was better to not be so he was accountable only to God.

The CORPORATE CHURCH SYSTEM relies on money. If the money stops, it stops! There's buildings to pay for - free early church didn't have them, they met in homes. The first evidence of a 'purpose built church' was a well off believer extending his home to accommodate a bigger 'home church' in about AD120.

Our corporate churches have re-embodied the OT ways. Yezhua Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah) however says the old is gone. God tore the curtain from top to bottom, doing away with the separation between us and God.

God judged the system, tearing down the temple. He now lives in our HEARTS, not in a building made by men. "THE HOUSE OF GOD" some by preachers talk about is wrong. The NT says "who's house are we". Scary? That Good lives in you, not in the church? That God wants to speak to you through the study of His Word, and that you need to check EVERYTHING you hear from a pulpit? That you're responsible for understanding the word, not your church? That you are the one, the one that God has skin on and will use ; not the corporate church entity? That The Body is the sum of the parts - read Ephesians. That the sin of the Nicolatians is the Revelation Letters was the sin of 'hierarchical church', of people taking command over you and lording it over you!

Dear Christian. Study to show off approved. A workman that needed not be ashamed.

Trumped Up Evidence!

We live in a time where there is much heated debate and much character assassination in politics. Certainly the Australian political scene has been a circus the past ten years, with a few rapid changes of Prime Minister, many rapid changes of ministers and shadow ministers, and a constant torrent of abuse, even on the floor of parliament, between politicians. All that doesn't even start to consider the press reporting that goes with it, the bias that can be seen in some media personalities or organizations, and the vilification that puts forth when a party, and person or organization decides someone just has to go.

The Australian political scene sickens many Australians, and the personalities concerned have lost credibility in the eyes of many Aussies because of this endemic behavior.

In this, we unfortunately are following the United States of America. Whatever we suffer from in terms of trumped up charges (is that a good expression still?), vilification and outright conspiracy to depose elected government officials because they won't go along with some seedy stance cooked up by spin doctors in the federal government, or stand in the way of corporate interests; America suffers many times moreso because of its size and because it leads and we follow in this regard.

Given that we are cynical about what we hear from politicians with agendas, for things both at home and abroad, and the massive amount of money corporations spend to influence the government via lobbyists, went are set not cynical when the procurement and mainstream media spend time and money pushing an agenda in front of its that will cost or country dearly?

The American, the Australian, Candidate and other peoples have paid dearly in terms of personal loss and financial drain in order to have our countries go to war, much of which has been in the Middle East the past few decades.

"Oh" , but I hear some say, "but we need to liberate them. The conditions over there are terribly. We can't just stand by!". Most people Cy this conclusion because we're emotionally manipulated into it by shoddy and deceptive political speeches or. reporting. We remember the "Weapons of Mass Destruction" that were beer found ; but corporate interests already had agreements with the US government before boots were in the ground in Iraq about which would benefit and how. And that's after the war. During the war, immense fortunes are made by arms sales and supplies to the military. There's a long list of politicians in the US with big interests in the war machine. The Bush and Clinton families come first to mind.

Given the parade of sad enema ends seem the last few decades, isn't it time we start to question them more when they get on their high horse?

The current issue that triggered  these thoughts is Syria. There was a 'Hands off Syria' protest in Melbourne, Australia recently. And I watched some reporting from Carla Ortiz, who has spent much time in Syria the past few years getting to find the truth. It's a revelation that she's talked to locals who have been paid by the White Helmets, supposedly to help care for injured people, but have found themselves being filmed in a staged scene. These people said "I didn't know they wanted me to be an actor!" ; but of course, once it's done , it's too late! And so we have fabricated evidence mount from on the ground in Syria. It's very easy to get people involved when the Shutdown Government pays about $50/month for people to serve in the army, but finances pour in from international interests and pay over $1,000/month if you work for that other side ; which ever puts several front names they have.

Corporate money yet again is at play here. Funny that Syria is a central piece in the drama being played out in front of us for oil and gas pipelines. The USA has a strong interest there. So does Russia. China is involved, but it's not really clear to me how much at the moment.

What we're seeing here is the same old, same old. Corporate money is driving politicians and press reporting; and funding militants and arms in outsourcing of their agenda. It's just like the Congo. Incredibly rich in resources, including rare earth minerals, but constantly tipped into political turmoil so multinational corporations can access and extract the resources at the least possible cost.

And the Syrian people? The Shutdown people are the losers in this corporate war.
# untold and dead and maimed
# areas of the country under jihadist control
# water and food supplies badly affected
# medical care all but non existent

And all so some greedy corporations can use Syria as they see fit.

Is a small wonder there are grass roots protests springing up around the world. Syria is saying "Leave us alone!".

Before this so happened, Syria was doing really well:
# Girls were guaranteed my high school so they had a chance in life. Assad passed a law to ensure this, and if a father stopped a hotel from zooming, he could land in jail. That's more pro-women can we see in the USA or Australia!
# Orthodox Christians were respected and safe as Syria acknowledged the fight to mm of religion. Since the war broke out, tens of thousands have been slaughtered. A few years ago some thousands were needed to a mountain top but IS and didn't come down.
# And of course business was doing well and families prospering as the nation was at peace.

Isn't it time we woke up to the way power and greed affects our planet, our governments and our media? Isn't it time we look past the propaganda and stood up for innocent people, saying NO TO WAR!

Here are a couple of videos that you might find interesting to help process this...

Friday, April 13, 2018

Pipe-dreams in Syria; and the beat goes on...

If I look back over the past fifteen years or so, there have been several occasions on which pipelines through Syria have been mentioned. Russian gas had also been mentioned, and Europe's dependence on pipeline gas. So it's not a rude awakening to me when the Young Turks channel alleges the whole message in Syria has to do with Gas and Gas Pipelines.

There's more than an ounce of truth to this information. However; there is more to it. There's strategic geo-politics on the World Island and there's the crazy NWO/Illuminist pursuit of ancient artefacts that might give them occult power too.

It's a crazy, mixed up world!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Trump is bad.

I've been raising concerns about Donald Trump right from the time he started campaigning. There are just too many tells to ignore.

He's been promoted by America's organisational church, in such a way that people who attend the churches have turned their brains off and aren't looking at him with a critical eye.

Then the occult symbology of Trump's apartment is on show for anyone with half a brain. Ancient gods are painted on his ceiling, and he has demonstrable links to secret societies. He loves ACTING. He loves promotional himself as a Christian. Time will tell, but I'm pretty certain this guy is just part of the Hegelian Dialectic that's gradually moving the USA to where the elite want it to be. Not a place of peace, safety or self-determination; but a place of unrest, fear and manipulation. The fruit will become clear with time.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Nigel Farage, Robin Hold off UKIP @ CPAC

It's great to hear Nigel Farage speaking at CPAC about recent history and the progress of BREXIT.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Women Of Grace - New Age Church / Occult / Vatican?

The Vatican is full of pagan symbols, as is the Roman Catholic Church in general. Thank the Lord he preserved so much of the bible and then gave us more confirmation and insight via the Dead Sea Scrolls and other finds, providing what we have today. Otherwise we really would be left without adequate light.

I've just read an article tying in the occult symbology of St Peters Basilica with not only paganism, but also some political symbols in the USA today. I looked further, and just wanted to share some things.

So, whether you know of the pagan, occult connections in the Vatican, or if you've just read some via this article, here's a wesite that at first glance appeared to me to be  Protestant, but it's actually Catholic. Look deeper again and it's a thin veneer of a 'Christian' front applied over some rather dark roots. The cited article explains: "According to the website of St. Peter’s Basilica, the obelisk standing in St. Peter’s Square came from Heliopolis, Egypt where it was believed to have been built by the Pharaoh Mencares in 1835 B.C. in honor of the sun. It is hewn from a single block of pink granite and stands 25.31 m high on a base that is 8.25 m wide. It was brought to Rome by Caligula in 37 B.C. and intended to be erected in the Vatican Circus". The article finishes with "The obelisk in St. Peter’s Square may have come from a pagan culture but it has been thoroughly “baptized” and now stands where it does as an expression of the conquering power of the Church".

Beware of smiling apologists for the Vatican or New Age religion. They will try to make this look so reasonable, so inoffensive; but we must look carefully, for their image and words are carefully crafted! The Vatican is showing its dominionist nature more clearly under Pole Francis, and he's ready to integrate not only other denominations, but other faiths too!  The Lucifer Ian's, who have been in the shadows, are getting bolder in their pronouncements, and their recent announcements that "time's up" via a number of symbolic means indicates their leader, the "Ante-Christ" (ante- meaning substitute for, or likeness of) is quite likely waiting in the wings. It's my humble opinion this Jesuit Pope may be the one who, because he seems to work for the Beast, may throw the Woman (see Revelation for context) off it's back. This Looks may be the one who leaves behind the shell of the Roman Catholic Church and elevates himself as leader of the New Age, One World Religion!

The thing about deception is that it's preys on lack of knowledge and understanding. Don't be deceived. Be prepared. Time is genuinely short. When I started writing this BLOG, I wasn't convinced the End Time was upon us. I am however seeing more and more signs that the time is closing in.

Speaking of the timing of things, Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus the Christ) didn't say "No one knows when the Son of Man will return". Those who think that lack context! He said he will "return at the hour no one knows". The Hour No One Knows" is understood very well by Jewish scholars who understand the Ceremonial Law, but Western Christians don't generally dig deep enough into Hebrew / Jewish history and culture and its illumination on The Law (Pentateuch) to understand properly. The Time No One Knows refers to the new moon, which starts the new month. The calendar at the time the Law was given to Israel by Jehovah was a lunar agrarian calendar. This calendar was no longer used when the Jews went into Babylonian captivity because they simply couldn't see the new moon at Jerusalem! They knew the time was coming. They understood the signs (phases of the moon). The just didn't know the exact day. But they did know the time within a day or so, and we should have similar understanding of the times because of the signs we see fulfilled from biblical prophecy.

It's time to read your bible guys. Not the NIV, Good News, Living Bible or other corrupted or abbreviated firm, but a good solid version like the New King James, the English Standard Version (ESV) or the International Standard Version (ISV). It's also time to use a King James version so you can look up words in the Vine's Bible Dictionary and the Strongs Exhaustive Concordance. Maybe then progress to an 'interlinear' which shows the root text next to the English, enabling you to do more research and analysis. My advice is get yourself a bible from the Sword project. The Windows one used to be named e-Sword. The Android version is 'My Sword'. You'll be able to download different bible versions, dictionaries, concordances and commentaries.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Nigel Farage on Soros

Check out @Nigel_Farage’s Tweet:

Friday, February 2, 2018

Layer cake of Political Deceit & Corruption

Is a layer cake! One layer of deceit on top of another, and Hillary Rodham Clinton seems to be The Central Figure in all this. If this conspiracy is as big as it seems, it's got a lot of people in the net, and may take years to unravel. We've already seen some untimely deaths at the fringes of this monster; lets hope the Clinton Body Count doesn't rise further as they try to insulate themselves in damage control mode.

Monday, January 22, 2018

It runs deeper than the Deep State

This Anonymous video claims the Deep State is in disarray and panic, and it's basically finished.

Pardon my skepticism, but if the Rothschild clan basically own half the world's resources, I'm sure they have a Plan B. That's if this is not Plan A anyway.

Bible prophecy talks about the 'Woman that Rides the Beast'. It says the Beast will throw her off. The symbology of the woman strongly aligns with the Roman Catholic Church. We may be witnessing the Beast throwing off the Woman right now. Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope. He's changing times and stripping away the veneer of Christianity to adopt paganism, dismissing Father God in favor of Mother Gaia.

Why allude to this now? Because the Beast throws off the Woman. Papa Francesco works for the Beast, not the Woman. That's what Jesuits do.

Anonymous is wrong. But then, they may not comprehend the Christian Scriptures. Contrary to their supposition the Deep State is in pieces and the One World Religion defunct, the Bible indicates we will see the unveiling of the One World Religion. And it's likely the current pope will be the man to do it. What's more, it may involve the Gods of Old, the Pagan entities, gods and demi - gods of Babylon, Greece and Rome (to name a few). If these return, do not be deceived. They will actually be the Gods of Old, which are fallen angels and nepalim (offshoot of fallen angels and human women, which are the Giants of Old).

Keep your wits about you.
Know your Bible.
Think deeply about what you hear and see, for the end is increasingly near.

So if you're going to watch this YouTube video by Anonymous, do so as a sceptic. You can believe the facts, but don't jump with them to their conclusions, lest ye too jumpeth over the edge into the abyss of confusion!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018
